Here is the set of equations that I get the solutions:
using HomotopyContinuation
@var a2 a3 b2 b3
s3=1 + a2^3 + a3^3
s2t= 3(a2^2)*b2 + 3(a3^2)*b3
st2= 3a2*(b2^2) + 3a3*(b3^2)
t3=1 + b2^3 + b3^3
result = solve(f)
The first question is that after getting the solution set, how do I put the solutions in the matrix of the form A=[1 0 a2 a3; 0 1 b2 b3]
and do RREF.
The second question is the solutions in HomotopyContinuation are quite tricky that they don’t print zero instead a very small number. How do I round up the small number to zero?
Thank you!