I am trying to write a function where i have to compare two quantities, the simplified representation of the problem where i am stuck is as
I get these type of two quantities as follows:
a = [[9], [8]]
b = [9.0121, 9.008]
if isapprox(a, b; atol=1e-5)
print ("done")
print("not done")
I am not able to compare “a” and “b” and it is giving me this error DimensionMismatch: dimensions must match: a has dims (Base.OneTo(0),), b has dims (Base.OneTo(2),), mismatch at 1
I guess i have to convert “b” such that its shape is similar to “a”, any idea how can i do that? thank you
If I run your code I don’t get a DimensionMismatch error. Instead I get ERROR: MethodError: no method matching -(::Vector{Int64}, ::Float64).
It’s not just a problem of different shapes, but of very different types. Note that [[9], [8]] In Julia is not a matrix with two rows like in Numpy. It’s a vector that contains two vectors. If that’s really what you want, and if you know that all the vectors in a have one element, you can do isapprox(only.(a), b; atol=1e-5). Here only.(a) will collect the single elements of [9] and [8] into a new vector [9, 8].
1e-16 ≈ 0 is false, and rightly so, because the two numbers have no significant digits in common, and there is no reference by which to set an absolute scale. (You don’t know the “units”. See also the isapprox documentation on why the default tolerance is relative error, not absolute error.)
The advantage of applying isapprox to the whole array at once is that the norm of the whole array sets an overall scale with which to compare the elements: 1e-16 - 0is small compared to the norm ≈ 1, so [1,0] ≈ [1,1e-16] rightly returns true.
Approximate comparison is one of those things that’s really easy to get wrong, unfortunately. (e.g. numpy.isclose got it wrong.)
PS. I think “non-allocating” here is probably an irrelevant metric. isapprox is not something that you usually do in performance-critical settings.