Background: a function returns a tuple, and then I call on it using the dot syntax with an array as input. The output will be an array of tuples, but I want a tuple of arrays. My example and solution is below. The question: is this solution any good or are there obvious things to improve?
function fn1(a)
x = a/2
y = a*2
return x, y
z = fn1.(1:3) #an array of tuples
(x,y) = ntuple(i->getindex.(z,i),2) #a tuple of arrays
Yes, StructArrays can handle conversion from Array of structs (either struct, or NamedTuple or Tuple) to a NamedTuple of Arrays (in terms of storage, but it still allows accessing the rows). For example:
Keeping things stored as a a StructArray is a flexible solution as you get both the tuple of vectors if you need, but at the same time can access the rows as tuples.