Are you using Julia for visual or 3D geometry optimizations?

As I’ve mentioned here before, I’m developing a non-linear least squares optimization package similar to the Ceres-solver C++ library. It’s a general NLLS solver, but is particularly well-suited to 3D geometry optimizations.

Are you using Julia for visual or 3D geometry optimizations? If so, I’d love to hear about what you’re doing. It would be good to find some useful applications of the NLLSsolver package, beyond my own.

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I have used LsqFit.jl for camera calibration, and interested in multiple view geometry and sfm so I’ll very likely eventually run into some use case involving your work product you mentioned soon. I am a bit new to these topics and still learning, can you please tell what use cases you think NLLSolver can be used for?

It can be used for:

  • Bundle adjustment (e.g. in SfM, camera calibration)
  • Pose graph optimization (SfM)
  • Tracking, pose optimization
  • Direct image alignment (I need to add support for photometric costs for this)
  • Mesh fitting

and many more. Anything with a least squares optimization in it.

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