Are there idioms in Julia for fast Algebraic Data Types (ADT)?

So I did the experiment in OCaml, which is about twice as fast as the Julia version (1.61μs vs 3.23μs). This is actually not too bad for Julia and this makes me feel better about using ADTs in Julia.

Benchmark Code

type expr =
  | Const of int
  | Var of string
  | Add of expr * expr

let rec evaluate expr env =
  match expr with
  | Const v -> v
  | Var x -> List.Assoc.find_exn env ~equal:String.equal x
  | Add (lhs, rhs) -> evaluate lhs env + evaluate rhs env

let rec sum_of_ints = function
  | 1 -> Const 1
  | n -> Add (Const n, sum_of_ints (n - 1))

let profile n =
  let acc = ref 0 in
  let t = Caml.Sys.time () in
  for i = 1 to n do
    acc := !acc + evaluate (sum_of_ints 100) []
  let dt = (Caml.Sys.time () -. t) /. (Float.of_int n) in
  Stdio.printf "Average time: %.3f μs" (dt *. 1e6);

let _ = profile 1000000
Average time: 1.653 μs