Append! produces #undef values from missings. Related to WeakRefStrings / JDF

Hi there,
i’m afraid I discovered a bug while working with DataFrames and JDF.
But the problem seems to be related to WeakRefStrings:

What do you think?


using DataFrames, JDF

# DataFrames v1.6.1
# JDF v0.5.2
# julia 1.9.2
# ubuntu-22.04

# The story started for me with a DataFrame loaded using JDF:
df1 = DataFrame(b=[1,2], a=[missing,"2"])
df2 = DataFrame(b=[1,2], a=[missing,"2"])

# save for loading later
df1_tmp = tempname()
df2_tmp = tempname(), df1), df2)

append!(df1, df2) # => everything ok

# append! does not work on the same DataFrame loaded
df1 = JDF.load(df1_tmp) |> DataFrame
df2 = JDF.load(df2_tmp) |> DataFrame

# while vcat works fine
vcat(df1, df2) # => everything ok

# append! produces #undef 
append!(df1, df2) # => resulting df1.a has a row containing #undef instead of missing.

# problem seems to be related to WeakRefStrings:
# restore df1
df1 = JDF.load(df1_tmp) |> DataFrame

v1 = df1[!,:a]
# ->
# 4-element WeakRefStrings.StringVector{Union{Missing, String}}:
#    missing
#    "2"
v2 = df2[!,:a]

append!(v1, v2)

# ->
# 4-element WeakRefStrings.StringVector{Union{Missing, String}}:
#     missing
#     "2"
#  #undef
#     "2"