Any equivalent of Google translate (like in gsheet) for DataFrames?

The GoogleTrans.jl package seems to be broken?

FWIW, the solution posted here does work:

using HTTP, JSON, DataFrames

function gtranslate(text, targetlang, sourcelang = "auto")
    url = "" * sourcelang * "&tl=" * targetlang * "&dt=t&q=" * HTTP.escapeuri(text)
    result = JSON.parse(String(HTTP.request("GET", url).body))
    join([s[1] for s in result[1]], "")

messages = ["Hello Julia." "Thank you for everything"; "You are welcome!" "Bye now"]
df = DataFrame(messages, :auto)

 Row │ x1                x2
   1 │ Hello Julia.      Thank you for everything
   2 │ You are welcome!  Bye now


 Row │ x1                x2
   1 │ Bonjour Julia.    Merci pour tout
   2 │ Je vous en prie!  Et maintenant, au revoir


 Row │ x1            x2
   1 │ שלום ג'וליה.  תודה על הכל
   2 │ בבקשה!        להתראות