julia> let
a = 1
f() = a + 1
@show f.a
@show f()
f.a = 1
f() = 2
the compiler transforms it into (roughly):
julia> let
a = 1
# The anonymous funcion is turned into a `struct`
struct Anonymous1{T}
# Make intances of that `struct` type callable
(anon::Anonymous1)() = anon.a + 1
# Make `f` an instance of that `struct` type
f = Anonymous1(a)
@show f.a
@show f()
f.a = 1
f() = 2
But the other thing I would say is: don’t use this to implement OOP. Multiple dispatch is a really nice way to organize code, and it’s worth learning the way Julia is intended to be used rather than trying to stick all of your functions inside your types.