[ANN] Training course “Julia for HPC” in Stuttgart, Germany on Sept 10-13, 2024

After the great positive feedback of the last two years, there will be another opportunity to learn more about using Julia for high-performance computing this fall!

In collaboration with the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), I’ll be offering the third iteration of the “Julia for High-Performance Computing” course, which will take place on-site at HLRS in Stuttgart, Germany from September 10th through 13th, 2024.


This 4-day course introduces the Julia programming language as a modern approach to high-performance numerical computing. Starting from the foundations and characteristic language features (e.g. multiple dispatch, type inference) the course will discuss and demonstrate how Julia manages to deliver high performance while also being high-level and dynamic. It will teach participants the necessary language concepts to achieve high performance in Julia and avoid common pitfalls. The course will cover “serial” and parallel computing (multithreading, distributed computing, MPI) and will provide insights into how to readily offload computations to NVIDIA GPUs.

Hands-on sessions on each day will allow the participants to interactively explore the language and immediately test and apply the discussed concepts.

This course is particularly suitable for students and researchers who are interested in numerical computing and want to learn how to write high-performance code using the Julia programming language.

More information: https://www.hlrs.de/training/2024/julia


Please register until August 11, 2024 via the website https://www.hlrs.de/training/2024/julia .
The course fee varies between 35 and 150 EUR for EU-based scientists (for more details see course website).

Feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested as well. And please do not hesitate to get in touch with me/HLRS in case of questions.