Hello everyone, we (Mason Protter, Yingbo Ma, and I) are pleased to present to you SymbolicUtils.jl. This is the first of hopefully many packages to live in the JuliaSymbolics Github organization, and we hope that SymbolicUtils.jl can lay the groundwork for a vibrant, interacting symbolic programming ecosystem in julia.
Building symbolic programming systems is hard and there are various reasons to think it is unlikely that one person, or even a small, coordinated group of people, will be able to to build a monolithic symbolic programming system in Julia that can compete with something like Mathematica or SymPy. Hence, we think it’s important to build flexible infrastructure that others can build on, and interoperate with. Other packages are welcome to build on top of our symbolic types but do not have to. We provide infrastructure for interfacting with SymbolicUtils so that packages can use their own types if they wish, but plug into our rule rewriting infrastructure.
We’re happy to say that ModelingToolkit.jl from the SciML organization is the first package to depend on and interoperate with SymbolicUtils.jl.
SymbolicUtils.jl is on the general registry and can be added the usual way:
pkg> add SymbolicUtils
julia> using Pkg; pkg"add SymbolicUtils"
Here’s a quick and unexplained code sample:
julia> using SymbolicUtils
julia> @syms x::Real y::Real z::Complex f(::Number)::Real
(x, y, z)
julia> 2x^2 - y + x^2
(3 * (x ^ 2)) + (-1 * y)
julia> f(sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2) + z
f(1) + z
julia> r = @rule sinh(im * ~x) => sin(~x)
sinh(im * ~x) => sin(~x)
julia> r(sinh(im * y))
julia> simplify(cos(y)^2 + sinh(im*y)^2, [r])
We have a manual with more info.
Collaboration and documentation improvements / suggestions are quite welcome! If you want to chat about SymbolicUtils.jl, you can find us here, on GitHub, or in the symbolic programming Zulip stream.
We want to give a big thanks to Harrison Grodin for doing a lot of pioneering work in this approach with Rewrite.jl and Simplify.jl which we hybridized with a more scmutils like approach and added some flavour of our own.