[ANN] Spehulak.jl: Spy on your GenAI models

Introducing Spehulak.jl: Spy on your GenAI models.

We’re excited to announce the arrival of Spehulak.jl, a package designed to help you understand what’s happening inside your GenAI model and it’s fully integrated PromptingTools.jl.

What can Spehulak.jl do?

Spehulak.jl allows you to browse any serialized LLM conversations, displaying relevant metadata such as model, templates, and template versions. You can also load and view RAG results with detailed information like user conversations, LLM chains, sources, context, and ranking/embedding candidates.

Getting started is easy!

Add Spehulak.jl to your environment with Pkg.add("Spehulak"), import the package and launch the app with launch().

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:9001 to start exploring.

Try it out and let us know what you think!

Spehulak.jl is still experimental and early in its development, so be careful when using it in production. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Happy exploring!