[ANN] PackageCompatUI

PackageCompatUI is a terminal text interface to the [compat] section of a Julia Project.toml file. This is particularly useful when setting up [compat] for a new package or if you need unusual [compat] bounds but is uncertain about the syntax to use.

To keep up to date with breaking versions of dependencies, CompatHelper is the canonical tool.

Julia 1.6 is required. Use the REPL Pkg mode as usual for a registered package or

using Pkg

Add it to your default environment. You do not want it to become a dependency of the package you want to set compat for.

Start Julia with --project or use Pkg.activate to navigate to the project you want to set compat for.

using PackageCompatUI

Example 1
Assume we have a new package with the single dependency DataStructures. Start compat_ui():

julia> compat_ui()
Save and quit: q, Help: ?
 > julia                                   

Use up and down arrows to navigate between the packages. Use right arrow to enter a package. Let’s start with julia:

 > [ ] 1.0.0               
   [ ] 1.0.1               
   [ ] 1.0.2               
   [ ] 1.0.3               
   [ ] 1.0.4               
   [ ] 1.0.5               
   [ ] 1.1.0               
   [ ] 1.1.1               
   [ ] 1.2.0               
   [ ] 1.3.0               
   [ ] 1.3.1               
   [ ] 1.4.0               
   [ ] 1.4.1               
   [ ] 1.4.2               
   [ ] 1.5.0               
   [ ] 1.5.1               
   [ ] 1.5.2               
   [ ] 1.5.3               
   [ ] 1.5.4               
   [ ] 1.6.0               

Say that we need Julia 1.3 or later. Move the cursor down to the 1.3.0 entry and hit ENTER:

julia: 1.3
   [ ] 1.0.0               
   [ ] 1.0.1               
   [ ] 1.0.2               
   [ ] 1.0.3               
   [ ] 1.0.4               
   [ ] 1.0.5               
   [ ] 1.1.0               
   [ ] 1.1.1               
   [ ] 1.2.0               
 > [x] 1.3.0               
   [x] 1.3.1               
   [x] 1.4.0               
   [x] 1.4.1               
   [x] 1.4.2               
   [x] 1.5.0               
   [x] 1.5.1               
   [x] 1.5.2               
   [x] 1.5.3               
   [x] 1.5.4               
   [x] 1.6.0               

All later versions which are compatible according to the semantic versioning rules get automatically toggled as well and at the top we can see the corresponding value to be used in [compat]: 1.3.

Now leave julia with left arrow and navigate the cursor to DataStructures:

   julia                                   1.3
 > DataStructures                          

Hit right arrow to enter the package:

 > [ ] 0.9.0               2018-06-29
   [ ] 0.10.0              2018-07-19
   [ ] 0.11.0              2018-08-07
   [ ] 0.11.1              2018-08-27
   [ ] 0.12.0              2018-09-11
   [ ] 0.13.0              2018-09-21
   [ ] 0.14.0              2018-09-24
   [ ] 0.14.1              2019-05-22
   [ ] 0.15.0              2019-05-22
   [ ] 0.16.1              2019-10-01
   [ ] 0.17.0              2019-10-01
   [ ] 0.17.1              2019-10-01
   [ ] 0.17.2              2019-10-07
   [ ] 0.17.3              2019-10-21
   [ ] 0.17.4              2019-10-27
   [ ] 0.17.5              2019-10-29
   [ ] 0.17.6              2019-11-22
   [ ] 0.17.7              2020-01-03
   [ ] 0.17.8              2020-01-15
v  [ ] 0.17.9              2020-01-15

The v at the bottom indicates that the list continues and if we move the cursor downwards new entries will be scrolled in. This view also lists the registration date of the different versions (only unavailable for julia itself), which might be helpful in figuring out what compatibility bounds to consider. Say we need a bugfix from version 0.18.3 (purely hypothetical). Navigate to the very bottom and back up to 0.18.3 and hit ENTER:

DataStructures: 0.18.3
^  [ ] 0.17.11             2020-04-01
   [ ] 0.17.12             2020-04-12
   [ ] 0.17.13             2020-04-19
   [ ] 0.17.14             2020-04-29
   [ ] 0.17.15             2020-04-29
   [ ] 0.17.16             2020-05-16
   [ ] 0.17.17             2020-05-23
   [ ] 0.17.18             2020-06-14
   [ ] 0.17.19             2020-06-25
   [ ] 0.17.20             2020-08-04
   [ ] 0.18.0              2020-08-17
   [ ] 0.18.1              2020-08-23
   [ ] 0.18.2              2020-08-24
 > [x] 0.18.3              2020-09-02
   [x] 0.18.4              2020-09-04
   [x] 0.18.5              2020-09-13
   [x] 0.18.6              2020-09-15
   [x] 0.18.7              2020-10-03
   [x] 0.18.8              2020-10-22
   [x] 0.18.9              2021-01-19

Going back again with left arrow we have:

Save and quit: q, Help: ?
   julia                                   1.3
 > DataStructures                          0.18.3

Upon hitting q to save and quit you will find that your Project.toml has been updated with:

DataStructures = "0.18.3"
julia = "1.3"

Example 2
Continuing from above you find that your package is using some Julia internals and actually isn’t compatible with Julia 1.6 (yet). How should the julia entry then look? Start compat_ui again

julia> compat_ui()
Save and quit: q, Help: ?
 > julia                                   1.3
   DataStructures                          0.18.3

and enter julia:

julia: 1.3
 > [ ] 1.0.0               
   [ ] 1.0.1               
   [ ] 1.0.2               
   [ ] 1.0.3               
   [ ] 1.0.4               
   [ ] 1.0.5               
   [ ] 1.1.0               
   [ ] 1.1.1               
   [ ] 1.2.0               
   [x] 1.3.0               
   [x] 1.3.1               
   [x] 1.4.0               
   [x] 1.4.1               
   [x] 1.4.2               
   [x] 1.5.0               
   [x] 1.5.1               
   [x] 1.5.2               
   [x] 1.5.3               
   [x] 1.5.4               
   [x] 1.6.0               

Navigate to the bottom and hit ENTER to toggle off 1.6.0:

julia: ~1.3, ~1.4, ~1.5
   [ ] 1.0.0               
   [ ] 1.0.1               
   [ ] 1.0.2               
   [ ] 1.0.3               
   [ ] 1.0.4               
   [ ] 1.0.5               
   [ ] 1.1.0               
   [ ] 1.1.1               
   [ ] 1.2.0               
   [x] 1.3.0               
   [x] 1.3.1               
   [x] 1.4.0               
   [x] 1.4.1               
   [x] 1.4.2               
   [x] 1.5.0               
   [x] 1.5.1               
   [x] 1.5.2               
   [x] 1.5.3               
   [x] 1.5.4               
 > [ ] 1.6.0               

Quit with q and find Project.toml updated to:

DataStructures = "0.18.3"
julia = "~1.3, ~1.4, ~1.5"

I just want to comment on how nice and accessible this documentation is. Great work on that! You should definitely add it to the README, or to the project docs if those are planned :slight_smile:

It is a great package!
Sometimes someone submit a package that previously you did not know you need it, but after watching it, you realise you needed it!

I have used in all my packages working nicely. Great work!