ANN: Measurements.jl v0.4.0

A couple of days ago, I tagged a new minor version of Measurements.jl, v0.5.0. This is the list of changes:

Breaking Changes

  • isinteger and iszero now check also that the uncertainty is zero.
  • Comparison between Measurement and Real with == now compares also the
    uncertainty, so that the Measurement must have uncertainty equal to zero to
    be equal to a real number.
  • Comparison between Measurement and Irrational with == now gives always
    false, consistently with the rest of Real types.

New Features

  • New mathematical operations supported: sinpi, cospi, sinc, cosc,
    asec, acsc, acot, asech, acsch, acoth, sincos (the last one only
    on Julia 0.7).
  • It is now possible to parse a string as a Measurement{T} with any
    T<:AbstractFloat (not only Measurement{Float64}), as long as the parsing
    method is able to digest the string. Tested with T equal to Float16,
    Float32, Float64, and BigFloat.

There is also a change under the hood, not mentioned above, inspired by this thread: it is possible to define a macro to numerically propagate the uncertainty of a complex-valued function of one complex argument, not supported out-of-the-box by the package (like complex special functions).