[ANN] Lux.jl: Explicitly Parameterized Neural Networks in Julia

I did a major overhaul of the Lux documentation https://lux.csail.mit.edu/. I would appreciate feedback regarding the new look and the unified approach. Some improvements:

  • Lists in the previous docs were broken due to how the generated markdown was printed (mkdocs seems to have a slightly different way of handling new lines). That is fixed now.
  • There were complaints regarding how each docstring was not separated and hence hard to read. Now the docstrings have proper bounding boxes
  • Finally all the docs are in the same place which means they are easy to search!
  • The versioning is at least visible now. I couldn’t work it out for mkdocs material previously. Though the versioning is not great (vitepress doesn’t natively support versioning)

Known Issues:

  • Only dev is live. This is a problem from TagBot which I am looking into.
  • Some docstrings have !!! warning instead of nice warnings/info, etc blocks. I need to go through all the packages and update their docstrings

Wow, it looks great!

There is an import error in the first example of this section: https://lux.csail.mit.edu/dev/tutorials/beginner/Basics/main#Automatic%20Differentiation


These look amazing! The homepage is particularly impressive.

One minor complaint I have is that the “Getting Started” page is quite sparse - aside from just getting Julia + Lux installed, we should also show some examples of how to use Lux in practice; if you need to be shown how to install Julia or a package, you probably also need to be shown how to really use that package :slightly_smiling_face:

We could show a simple example of creating and training a really basic NN, and then provide links to more advanced or domain-specific examples for a variety of use cases.


Great work! Always inspired by your amazing work. These docs should be the new standard :D.

As for the looks, so far I only have one suggestion:

it would be good to highlight in which section we are currently at, on the right panel. Current behaviour doesn’t show anything.

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On the tutorials page of this whole box only the </> is clickable, it’s hard to even notice that bit.


Can you elaborate on the tools you used to build the Lux website and docs?

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I have aggregated them in an issue Documentation Enhancement Suggestions · Issue #387 · LuxDL/Lux.jl · GitHub.

Can you elaborate on the tools you used to build the Lux website and docs?

It uses


why vite? how the future looks like for this option, it’s only 3 years old. It’s definitely nicer at first glance, but beyond that? Just curious about the motivation for such change, if there is any :smiley: .

This might be overkill, but a brief mention of the f0 and how it relates to Float32 might be helpful in this line

Amazing docs though, this template is fantastic!

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(My entire JS knowledge comes from 2 lab assignments I had to do in my undergrad, so take everything I say with a grain of salt)

I was already kind of familiar with Vuejs, and it seems vuepress is in maintenance mode (GitHub - vuejs/vuepress: 📝 Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator), and the current effort has shifted towards vitepress (with it being hosted in the official vuejs organization).

The other option was docusaurus, but I did not have any examples in the julia ecosystem to go off of here. There’s https://expronicon.rogerluo.dev/ which has been using vitepress for quite some time now.

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Is there anyway in Lux to use Float64 for the networks parameters like in Flux? I couldnt quite figure this out from the documentation.

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Just change the weights to Float64.

I also found that surprisingly inconvenient to do actually. (Unless it’s changed recently)

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I see; I can add a function like f64/f32/f16 to automatically perform this conversion.


Or just a kwarg when constructing the layer

Having a kwarg for every layer becomes infeasible very quickly. FWIW, in the latest release, constructs the parameters with the correct types if you do init_weight=glorot_uniform(Float64) and similar for different layers.


oh that’s all I need, thank you. I think that didn’t exist a few versions ago, correct?

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Yeah pretty much. It got merged yesterday Allow specifying the return eltype of the arrays by avik-pal · Pull Request #4 · LuxDL/WeightInitializers.jl · GitHub


Having a kwarg for every layer becomes infeasible very quickly.

I’ve been experimenting with a “generative context” to pass defaults for device, numeric precision and RNG through a computation:

Maybe something like that?


Using ComponentArrays this should do the trick

ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, model)
ps = Float64.(ComponentVector(ps))
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