I did a major overhaul of the Lux documentation https://lux.csail.mit.edu/. I would appreciate feedback regarding the new look and the unified approach. Some improvements:
Lists in the previous docs were broken due to how the generated markdown was printed (mkdocs seems to have a slightly different way of handling new lines). That is fixed now.
There were complaints regarding how each docstring was not separated and hence hard to read. Now the docstrings have proper bounding boxes
Finally all the docs are in the same place which means they are easy to search!
The versioning is at least visible now. I couldn’t work it out for mkdocs material previously. Though the versioning is not great (vitepress doesn’t natively support versioning)
Known Issues:
Only dev is live. This is a problem from TagBot which I am looking into.
Some docstrings have !!! warning instead of nice warnings/info, etc blocks. I need to go through all the packages and update their docstrings
These look amazing! The homepage is particularly impressive.
One minor complaint I have is that the “Getting Started” page is quite sparse - aside from just getting Julia + Lux installed, we should also show some examples of how to use Lux in practice; if you need to be shown how to install Julia or a package, you probably also need to be shown how to really use that package
We could show a simple example of creating and training a really basic NN, and then provide links to more advanced or domain-specific examples for a variety of use cases.
why vite? how the future looks like for this option, it’s only 3 years old. It’s definitely nicer at first glance, but beyond that? Just curious about the motivation for such change, if there is any .
The other option was docusaurus, but I did not have any examples in the julia ecosystem to go off of here. There’s https://expronicon.rogerluo.dev/ which has been using vitepress for quite some time now.
Having a kwarg for every layer becomes infeasible very quickly. FWIW, in the latest release, constructs the parameters with the correct types if you do init_weight=glorot_uniform(Float64) and similar for different layers.