ANN: Documenter 1.0

For anyone who is using the DocumenterCitations plugin to add bibliographic references to their documentation: We also just released DocumenterCitations 1.2.0 to be compatible with Documenter 1.0.

A notable breaking change in Documenter 1.0 that affects any users of DocumenterCitations is that plugin objects now have to be passed to makedocs via a plugins keyword argument. For the old Documenter 0.27 / DocumenterCitations 1.1 your docs/make.jl file would have looked like this:

using DocumenterCitations

bib = CitationBibliography(
    joinpath(@__DIR__, "src", "refs.bib");
makedocs(bib, ...)  # positional argument

With the new Documenter 1.0 / DocumenterCitations 1.2 you will have to change this to

makedocs(; plugins=[bib], ...)

Apart from compatibility with Documenter 1.0, changes since the original announcement include a significantly improved :alpha citation style that avoids duplicate labels and better support for preprint servers like arXiv. See for more details.