While I generally view multiple-dispatch as much more powerful and flexible that object-oriented programming (see this talk JuliaCon 2019 | The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Multiple Dispatch | Stefan Karpinski - YouTube for IMO a great explanation why), there are certain object-oriented ideas I occasionally would find useful in Julia.
One of them is the ability to “inherit” fields from a “super type”. There’s a couple of packages I know about that do this (Mixers.jl and Classes.jl) but both require the “super type” struct to have been decorated with a special macro, so you’re out of luck if the author didn’t do that.
CompositeStructs.jl lets you “inherit” fields (by explicitly including them in your struct definition) from any number of other structs with no requirement on how these structs were defined. Unlike Classes.jl, it also lets you decide which, if any, abstract type to take as a super type. By inheriting the fields from an existing struct and opting into a well-designed abstract type hierarchy, it seems to me you can go a long way to getting the best of both worlds from multiple-dispatch and traditional OO inheritance.
The syntax is just e.g.:
struct Foo{X,Y}
x :: X
y :: Y
@composite struct Bar{X,Y,Z}
z :: Z
# equivalent to defining:
struct Bar{X,Y,Z}
x :: X
y :: Y
z :: Z
Another useful feature is that its compatible with Base.@kwdef
, and the defaults from the “super type” are propagated to your new struct as well (see readme for details).
Package is registered so to install just: pkg> add CompositeStructs
. Let me know if you run into issues and happy if anyone finds this useful.