[ANN] CImGui.jl - A Wrapper for Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface(Dear ImGui)

That’s probably because Dear ImGui is not for creating UIs for the average end-user. As explained in the Dear ImGui’s FAQs, it’s a renderer-agnostic GUI lib and does not provide any 2D/3D rendering utilities by default. People need to build their own 2D texture renderer for drawing images. Although this can be done in a couple of lines using quite a few knowledge in 3D graphics, the learning curve may look steep for those who don’t have any relevant background. Maybe I should add a default 2D image renderer to CImGui.jl. I’m still looking for a way to integrate ImGui with other 2D plotting tools in the Julia ecosystem, so stay tuned. :slight_smile:

My personal use case is to build simple GUI tools for 3D computer vision tasks like IntelRealSense-viewer or open3d. I feel like Dear ImGui is the perfect tool for this kinda use case. The learning curve of its API is really flat.