[ANN] C3T - Crash Course Category Theory 🐱

Hi all!

I have been in the process of creating a Crash Course Category Theory website called C3T which utilizes Julia, Julia Markdown, KaTeX, Franklin.jl, Weave.jl, mermaid.js, and some Haskell!

This is designed to ease novices in Category Theory, Catlab, and the AlgebraicJulia suite!
It is distinct from the AlgebraicJulia blogs as these are aimed at those without much prior knowledge of Category Theory and from less of a mathematics perspective.
The blog and C3T may merge in the future but for now, they are separate.

Currently, we have some notes on the textbook, Category Theory for Programming by Bartosz Milewski with answered challenges in Julia.
Right now making some notes on Catlab and Attributed C-Sets (ACSets) for future reference.
Feel free to take a look at it as in the future, I intend on keeping this updated.
Let me know if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns.

Thanks all!

~ tcp :deciduous_tree:

P.S. If you are interested in contributing, feel free to open issues, PRs, or discuss here: GitHub - TheCedarPrince/C3T: C3T: Crash Course Category Theory - A friendly non-mathematician's approach to beginners of Category Theory. 🐱

P.P.S. Additional discussion here: https://julialang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/230248-catlab.2Ejl/topic/Crash.20Course.20Category.20Theory.20.28C3T.29/near/265602937

Addendum: This website is thanks to the wonderful work done by @tlienart in Franklin.jl, @pfitzseb and the Juno Team in Weave.jl, and @jpfairbanks and the AlgebraicJulia team!


Good idea. Consider copying most of index.md into README.md and as the content develops, adding to it, so it shows up when people land on the repo.


Ah let me do that right now…
Hang on!



Hey folks!
I figure I will continue to use this to post updates as new material is added.
I am planning to keep C3T going as an independent sort of project as I continue to work on learning Category Theory.
If you see any errors or mistakes, feel free to open an issue or let me know!
Furthermore, if you have notes you’d like to add, consider reaching out or opening an issue on the repo so we can talk about adding it! :smiley:

So, without further ado, notes on Chapter 4 of Category Theory for Programmers has been added: http://jacobzelko.com/C3T/milewski-programmers-4/ !

Need to do some formatting but Julia solutions and details are up. :slight_smile:


Hi everyone!
Massive updates to C3T!
In particular, many new sections added to the book resource, “Category Theory for the Sciences” with several new sections such as an overview, notes on Chapter 1, and notes on Chapter 2.
Some of these notes are still a bit rough but I’ll add to them more in the future days.

So without further ado, please check out things here: Category Theory for the Sciences

As always, if you see any issues or mistakes, let me know on C3T’s GitHub and I can amend them accordingly. :slight_smile: