I was searching around for packages or examples of blob tracking using Julia. To my surprise, I found nothing. Since I needed to do some blob tracking for the purpose of counting birds, I made a small package that can hopefully be useful to the next person who find themselves in need of tracking something moving around in an image and is unwilling to leave the warm comfort of Julia land.
Blobs are detected using simple Laplacian-of-Gaussian filtering (from Images.jl) and tracked using a Kalman filter from LowLevelParticleFilters.jl.
Below is a short clip showing how the results might look
Hello, newbie here.
I am engaging in a project that seeks to track the movement of fireflies in real-time and sonify the data: is it currently possible to use this package in Julia to detect and track blobs in a real time camera feed? If so, it looks perfect for my needs.
Thank you!
Hello and welcome to the community!
Yes this should be possible, you can either pass a stream in place of the video used in the examples, or look inside of the function track_blobs
to see the internal loop that performs the tracker update and perform this in your own, hand-written loop. The main loop starts here BlobTracking.jl/BlobTracking.jl at 7189e6fe2cc6d674b35e3a7e18dda316bba3797b · baggepinnen/BlobTracking.jl · GitHub
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Thank you so much! I shall check it out.