ANN: bifurcation package for delay differential equations DDEBifurcationKit

Dear all,

I am writing this post to announce a new package DDEBifurcationKit.jl for the study of bifurcations of delay differential equations. It is hosted on the bifurcationkit organisation as it heavily relies on BifurcationKit.jl

The docs provides some tutorials and description of the methods.

Some of the current functionalities are

  • continuation of equilibria and detection of bifurcations for Constant delays or state-dependent-delays
  • continuation (codim 2) of Fold / Hopf points for Constant delays or state-dependent-delays with detection of codim 2 bifurcation points.
  • continuation of periodic orbits for constant / state-dependent delays using orthogonal collocation (Stability not implemented yet)

I hope some of you will find it useful,
