[ANN] Announcing LFUDACache.jl

Implementation of the LFU-group of caching algorithms. Now, LFU-DA is now one of the most efficient caching algorithms for web-related tasks.

The package provides a thread-safe in-memory implementation of the Least Frequency Used cache based on a min binary heap map. There are three policies for calculating the priority key, see here for more information

  1. LFU policy
  2. LFU with Dynamic Age policy (by default)
  3. GreedyDual-Size with Frequency (GDSF)

LFUDA implements AbstractDict interface. Usage examples:

lfuda = LFUDA{String,String}(maxsize = 2)

lfuda["key"] = "cache_1" 
cache_1 = get(lfuda, "key", nothing) # Now cache 1 have frequency equal to 2

value = "cache_2"
# Pass value size, necessary for GDSF policy
cache_2 = get!(lfuda, "key_2", value, size=sizeof(value)) # Cache 2 have frequncy equal to 1

lfuda["key_3"] = "cache_3" # In this case cache_2 will be evicted

@show haskey(lfuda, "key_2")