[ANN] AIHelpMe.jl - AI-Enhanced Coding Assistance for Julia!

Quick Intro :star2:

Discover AIHelpMe, the new Julia package that turns your docstrings into a treasure trove of insights!

Why AIHelpMe? :thinking:

Bridging the gap between local knowledge and AI smarts, AIHelpMe brings personalized, AI-enhanced guidance straight from your code’s docs. And enables an unprecedented level of control and insight behind each answer.

Easy Start :rocket:

Add AIHelpMe (it’s not registered yet), grab your Cohere and OpenAI keys (tiny costs!), and dive into a smarter coding experience.

using AIHelpMe
aihelp"How to create a named tuple from a dictionary?"

Add it with:

using Pkg; Pkg.add("https://github.com/svilupp/AIHelpMe.jl")

More examples:

Join the Journey! :earth_africa:

Help us fine-tune AIHelpMe in its early stages - your feedback is the key to our shared success!
(And it will determine whether we develop it further…)

Embrace the doc magic with AIHelpMe! :tophat::sparkles:


I will note that the first example in the Forem blog post the AI gets that answer wrong:

[ Info: Done generating response. Total cost: \$0.001
AIMessage("To create a named tuple from a dictionary, you can use the `NamedTuple` constructor and provide the dictionary's key-value pairs as arguments using the `name=value` syntax. Here's an example:

d = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2)
nt = NamedTuple(d)

In this example, the dictionary `d` is converted into a named tuple `nt` using the `NamedTuple` constructor. Each key-value pair in the dictionary becomes a named field in the named tuple.")

If you run that code you will get an error:

julia> d = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2)
Dict{String, Int64} with 2 entries:
  "b" => 2
  "a" => 1

julia> nt = NamedTuple(d)
ERROR: TypeError: in typeassert, expected Symbol, got a value of type String
 [1] merge(a::@NamedTuple{}, itr::Dict{String, Int64})
   @ Base ./namedtuple.jl:365
 [2] NamedTuple(itr::Dict{String, Int64})
   @ Base ./namedtuple.jl:151
 [3] top-level scope
   @ REPL[2]:1

Good catch. It’s a perfect example of what working with GenAI is like – working with a new intern :slight_smile:

It’s because the default model (for cost and speed purposes) is GPT 3.5 T from June, it’s much weaker than the November version (1106, aliased as “gpt3t”).

That version would get it right (notice the “gpt3t” at the end):

aihelp"In Julia, how to create a named tuple from a dictionary? Give me an example"gpt3t
[ Info: Done generating response. Total cost: $0.002
AIMessage("You can use the splatting operator to create a named tuple from a dictionary in Julia. Here's an example:

d = Dict(:a => 1, :b => 2)
nt = (; d...)

But even GPT3.5 can recover if we let if fix it’s mistakes, eg,

julia> aihelp"Help me fix this error when creating a named tuple from Dictionary: $err. Give me example that works"
[ Info: Done generating response. Total cost: $0.002
AIMessage("The error message indicates that the `Dict` contains keys of type `String`, but `NamedTuple` expects keys of type `Symbol`. You can fix this error by converting the keys of the `Dict` to symbols using the `Symbol()` function.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to create a `NamedTuple` from a `Dict`:

dict = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3)
named_tuple = NamedTuple(Symbol(k) => v for (k, v) in dict)

This code converts the keys of the Dict to symbols and then constructs the NamedTuple using a comprehension.

Hope this helps!")


Quick update on AIHelpMe

The package has been finally registered + there have been a bunch of functionality added (including some new knowledge packs).

Check out the RE-announcement blog post here: AIHelpMe.jl Pt.2: Instant Expertise, Infinite Solutions for Julia Developers - Julia Community 🟣

Or just try it out yourself - install with ]AIHelpMe and then aihelp"<some question you have".

Or more advanced usage with highlighting of the answer:

using AIHelpMe
using AIHelpMe: pprint, last_result

# ideally, switch to better pipeline for proper results, requires setting up Cohere API key

# load tidier index, others available: :julia, :makie

# Ask a question
aihelp"How do you add a regression line to a plot in TidierPlots?"

Thanks for this nice package. I have managed to use a MistralAI API key with PromptingTools but not witth AIHelpMe. Is that expected ?

It should work but with caveats.

It should work without a problem for model_chat, but it will NOT work with changing the model_embedding for the preprocessed knowledge (see the guide here: Advanced | AIHelpMe.jl).

The magic of AIHelpMe requires to either

  • use pre-processed knowledge bundles (julia, make, tidier,…)
  • preprocess knowledge bundles yourself

The reason is that we MUST use the same EMBEDDING model during knowledge preparation and during answering questions (see Introduction | AIHelpMe.jl).

If you want to use only Mistral models, you can simply embed all knowledge that’s accessible in your opened Julia session (see Advanced | AIHelpMe.jl - notice the update_index() call).

If you’re having problems with changing only the model_chat to Mistral, please open an issue with the reproducible example and the error you’re getting.

Hope that helps :slight_smile: