Animation using frames in Dash for Julia


I have been trying to do animation in Dash for Julia using frames (see the Simple Play Button Demo at Intro to animations in Python) . I managed to make that demo work for Dash in Python but after translating it to Dash for Julia I had no luck. The code is as follows:

using Dash, DashHtmlComponents, DashCoreComponents

app = dash()

frames = [
    Dict(:data => [Dict(:x => [1, 2], :y => [1, 2])]),
    Dict(:data => [Dict(:x => [1, 4], :y => [1, 4])]),
    Dict(:data => [Dict(:x => [3, 4], :y => [3, 4])]),

play_button = [
        :type => "buttons",
        :buttons => [Dict(:label => "Play", :method => "animate", :args => [nothing])],

layout = Dict(
    :xaxis => Dict(:range => [0, 5], :autorange => false),
    :yaxis => Dict(:range => [0, 5], :autorange => false),
    :updatemenus => [
            :type => "buttons",
            :buttons => [Dict(:label => "Play", :method => "animate", :args => [nothing])],

f0 = [Dict(:x => [0, 1], :y => [0, 1])]
fig = Dict(:data => f0, :layout => layout)
app.layout = html_div([html_h4("Animation"), dcc_graph(id = "graph1", figure = fig)])

run_server(app, "", debug = true)```

Hopefully someone will be able to see something I am missing


I have no working experience with Dash, but comparing with animation in PlotlyJS PlotlyJS.jl animation - #3 by empet, I think that your app doesn’t work because you didn’t pass the frames to the fig definition.

Hi empet. Thanks for your reply. You are correct, I forgot to pass the frames to the figure. It’s working!! Thanks!