Anderson-Darling test pvalue

Hi everyone, I’m using an Anderson-Darling test to check for normality and am unsure about the results. I am expecting to reject at the .01 level with a p-value around .008. The pvalue() call on the OneSampleADTest returns .323. When looking at the test summary the test statistic is 1.06, expected.

I’m new to Julia and am thinking I am causing the problem. Any reason the returned pvalue is different than what Agostino and Stephen’s would give?

Maybe you could double-check the results using Pingouin.

I did try this. I also double checked off excel, python and JMP. The test statistic is the same across all bu the returned p-value is different, in this case not significant, in Julia vs the others.

Pardon my formatting, still learning:
using CSV
using DataFrames
using Statistics
using StatsPlots
using Distributions
using HypothesisTests
using Pingouin

data = [6.67, -0.69, -2.03, -2.6, 2.19, -1.17, 9.93, -2.68, 10.41, -1.34, -0.16, -0.26, 1.67, -4.04, 6.46, 2.94, 7.32, -2.49, -1.26, -0.17, 7.06] mean_samp = mean(data) std_samp = std(data) d = Normal(mean_samp, std_samp) tested = OneSampleADTest(data, d) tested pvalue(tested)
Returns the right AD value but the pvalue returned is .34. Should be .008.

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In this case, maybe you could open an issue in the HypothesisTests.jl github page.

Before doing so it might be good to check and explain the discrepancy.

After some research it seems that the reference most programs use is:

D’Agostino, R.B. and Stephens, M.A. (1986) Goodness-of-Fit Techniques; Marcel-Dekker: New York, USA

The formulas can be easily implemented in Julia and the desired p-value of 0.0087 obtained for your data:

using Distributions

function AD(Zₛ)
    n = length(Zₛ)
    cf = cdf(Normal(0,1), Zₛ)
    (−n − 1/n * sum(((2i-1)*log(cf[i]) +(2*(n-i)+1)*log(1-cf[i])) for i in 1:n))

# D'Agostino and Stephens (1986)
function p_Agostino(adc)
    adc >= 0.6 ? exp(1.2937 - 5.709*adc + 0.0186*adc^2)     :
    0.34 < adc ? exp(0.9177 - 4.279*adc - 1.38*adc^2)       :
    0.20 < adc ? 1 - exp(8.318 + 42.796*adc - 59.938*adc^2) :
    1 - exp(-13.436 + 101.14*adc - 223.73*adc^2)

X = [6.67, -0.69, -2.03, -2.6, 2.19, -1.17, 9.93, -2.68, 10.41, -1.34, -0.16, -0.26, 1.67, -4.04, 6.46, 2.94, 7.32, -2.49, -1.26, -0.17, 7.06]

X̄ = mean(X)
σₓ = std(X)
Zₛ = (X .- X̄)/σₓ     # Z-scores
n = length(X)
adc = AD(Zₛ)*(1 + 0.75/n + 2.25/(n*n))     # correction for small sample sizes
p_Agostino(adc)   # p-value = 0.0087