Analytic derivatives for multivariate functions in JuMP

I am trying to provide derivatives for a function to see if it can speed up the optimization, but I am running in to errors. Unexpected array VariableRef[x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]] in nonlinear expression. Nonlinear expressions may contain only scalar expressions.

I have tried to follow the example given in the documentation here Nonlinear Modeling · JuMP. The code for this is shown in the function nlp_analytic(p, c1, c2,b, k, n). Any ideas?

Can we use @NLparameter and NLexpression in user defined functions?

# Without user defined function
using JuMP, Ipopt
function nlp(p, c1, c2,b, k, n)
    model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
    @variable(model, 0 <= x[i = 1:n] <= 1)
    @variable(model, 0 <= var1 <=1)
    @variable(model, 0 <= var2 <=1)
    @variable(model, 0 <= var3 <=1)
    @objective(model, Max, var1 - var2 + var3)
    @NLparameter(model, p1[j=1:k, i=1:n] == c1[j, i])
    @NLparameter(model, p2[j=1:k, i=1:n] == c1[j, i])

    @NLexpression(model, xp, sum(x[i] * p[i] for i in 1:n))
    @NLexpression(model, c1_expr[j=1:k], sum(p1[j, i] * x[i] for i in 1:n))
    @NLexpression(model, c2_expr[j=1:k], sum(p2[j, i] * x[i] for i in 1:n))

    @NLconstraint(model, con3, xp - sum(b[j]       / (1+var1)^j for j in 1:k) == 0)
    @NLconstraint(model, con5, xp - sum(c1_expr[j] / (1+var2)^j for j in 1:k) == 0)
    @NLconstraint(model, con6, xp - sum(c2_expr[j] / (1+var3)^j for j in 1:k) == 0)

    @constraint(model, con1, c1*x .>= b)
function data()
    p = rand(400:700,5,1);   c1= (rand(100:200,4,5))'; c2 = 0.9 .* c1
    b =rand(150:250,5,1);  n= size(c1,2);  k = size(c1,1)
    return p, c1, c2, b, n, k

p, c1, c2, b, n, k = data()
nlp_model(p, c1, c2,b, k, n)

Attempt with analytic derivatives

function nlp_analytic(p, c1, c2,b, k, n)
        model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
        @variable(model, 0 <= x[i = 1:n] <= 1)
        @variable(model, 0 <= var1 <=1)
        @variable(model, 0 <= var2 <=1)
        @variable(model, 0 <= var3 <=1)
        @objective(model, Max, var1 - var2 + var3)
        @NLparameter(model, p1[j=1:k, i=1:n] == c1[j, i])
        @NLparameter(model, p2[j=1:k, i=1:n] == c1[j, i])
        @NLexpression(model, xp, sum(x[i] * p[i] for i in 1:n))
    #    @NLexpression(model, c1_expr[j=1:k], sum(p1[j, i] * x[i] for i in 1:n))
     #   @NLexpression(model, c2_expr[j=1:k], sum(p2[j, i] * x[i] for i in 1:n))
        @NLconstraint(model, con3, xp - sum(b[j]       / (1+var1)^j for j in 1:k) == 0)
        f(x, var,para) = sum(x[i] * p[i] for i in 1:n) - sum(b[j] / (1 + var)^j for j in 1:k) + sum(para(j, i) * x[i] / (1 + var)^j for i in 1:n, j in 1:k)
    function ∇f(g::AbstractVector{T}, x::T, var::T, para) where {T}
        g[1] = sum(p[i] for i in 1:n) + sum(para(j, i) / (1 + var)^t[j] for i in 1:n, j in 1:k)
        g[2] = sum(-j * para(j, i) * x[i] / (1 + var)^(j + 1) for i in 1:n, j in 1:k)
    register(model, :analytic, 2, f, ∇f)

    @NLconstraint(model,Con5, f(x,var2,p1) == 0.0)
    @NLconstraint(model,con6, f(x,var3,p2) == 0.0)

     #   @NLconstraint(model, con5, xp - sum(c1_expr[j] / (1+var2)^j for j in 1:k) == 0)
      #  @NLconstraint(model, con6, xp - sum(c2_expr[j] / (1+var3)^j for j in 1:k) == 0)
        @constraint(model, con1, c1*x .>= b)
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Okay, a high-level answer:

Can we use @NLparameter and NLexpression in user defined functions?

No. It must depend only on the input arguments.

And some lower-level answers:

There are multiple things going on here. I’d suggest you just stick with the non-user-defined function form, as it looks a bit tricky to get the derivatives correct, etc.

You should take a good look at the docs: Nonlinear Modeling (Legacy) · JuMP.

  1. Your user-defined functions cannot accept vectors as an input argument, only scalars.
  2. Assuming you fix 1), in register(model, :analytic, 2, f, ∇f) you’ve declared f as having two arguments, but you call it with 3 f(x,var2,p1)
  3. Assuming you fix 2), you called the operator analytic, but you used f(x, var2, p1), it should be analytic(x, var2, p1)
  4. In the function f, para(j, i) needs to be para[j, i]
  5. Your gradient function ∇f is wrong, because it needs to fill g with the gradient of f with respect to each of the input variables.

I just realized that this is the same problem as Slow evaluation of nonlinear callbacks · Issue #2788 · jump-dev/JuMP.jl · GitHub.