Julia 1.4.1
*Kubuntu 18.04 LST *
LaTeX + textlive-full (including LuaLaTeX) + ImageMagik
Documentation: PGFPlotsX.jl by Kristoffer Carlsson
Hello dear all,
Say that I am using an elementary code as follows, extracted from the here:
using PGFPlotsX
using LaTeXStrings
@pgf Axis(
xlabel = L"x",
ylabel = L"f(x) = x^2 - x + 4"
Expression("x^2 - x + 4")
In the documentation I note the general way to export .tex file or .svg figure
pgfsave(filename::AbstractString, figure; include_preamble::Bool = true, dpi = 150)
However I don’t see how to do in practice in order to obtain:
a .tex file which can be compiled in Kile for exemple
a figure.svg (or .pdf) to be saved.
I lauch prgms from a console with the command julia simple.jl
Thank you in advance for any reply,