Alternative to codecov

Since a few days code coverage is not working for me. I get the error:

Error uhttps://codecov.ioploading to : Error: There was an error fetching the storage URL during POST: 429 - Too Many Requests

Is this a server problem?
If yes, where can I see the server status?

Found this information:

Upload limit has been reached

This org is currently on the free plan; which includes 250 free uploads monthly. This month’s period has been reached and the reports will not generate.

Not nice! But in a few hours its a new month. :slight_smile:

But they do not count in calendar months, so it is still not working. See:
Is there an alternative to codecov ? I cannot pay 80 EUR per month just to see some fancy badges.

I mean, I just want to have the percentage that is calculated by Coverage.jl displayed in the file.