Warning: aggregate(d, cols, fs, sort=false, skipmissing=false) is deprecated. Instead use combine(groupby(d, cols, sort=false, skipmissing=false), [names(d, Not(cols)) .=> f for f in fs]...) if functions in fs have unique names.
Don’t quite understand what it means [names(d, Not(cols)) .=> f for f in fs]
Could someone show me how to rewrite this line with combine?
The trailing dots are splatting. Say you have a function
fun(x, y, z)
but you only have your variables in a vector t = [1, 2, 3]. Then you can do
I don’t think I have a better idea of how to do what you want than what is given in the warning message. It’s definitely wordier, but that’s the price we pay for reducing the surface of the API a bit.