Agents.jl problem with the step! function

Hi I am new to Agents.jl and Julia, I am following the official online tutorial on the Shelling’s model, however I am facing a hard time with the step! function, I tried to use the same source code as in the tutorial but I always get an Error from the stepping function and a warning(see image below). Note that the custom step function I created works fine I tested it in the REPL, and also when I use step!(model, n=5) I get MethodError.
I really appreciate your help and time.

using Agents

mutable struct Schelling <: AbstractAgent

function agent_step!(agent,model,)
    #println("checking agent: ",
    #println("Happy: ",agent.happy)
    if agent.happy == true
        println("I am happy")
    nearby_same = 0
    for neighbor in nearby_agents(agent,model)
        println("nearby_same: ",nearby_same," neighbor: ",," neighbor group: ",
        if ==
            nearby_same += 1
    if nearby_same >= model.min_to_be_happy
        println("nearby_same:00 ",nearby_same)
        agent.happy = true
        println("jumped to: ",agent.pos)

function initilize(;N = 10, M = 4, min_to_be_happy = 2,steppingFunction = agent_step!)
    space = GridSpace((M,M))
    properties = Dict(:min_to_be_happy => min_to_be_happy)
    scheduler = Schedulers.Randomly
    model = AgentBasedModel(Schelling,space;properties = properties, scheduler = scheduler,agent_step! = steppingFunction)

    for n in 1:N
        agent = Schelling(n,(1,1),n < N/2 ? 1 : 2,false)
        add_agent_single!(agent,model) #This adds agents at a random and empty location in the space
    return model

model = initilize()

And here is the warning I face:

┌ Warning: Passing agent_step! and model_step! to step! is deprecated. Use 
     the new version
│              step!(model, n = 1, agents_first = true)

The Error:

ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type StandardABM{GridSpace{2, true}, Schelling, Dict{Int64, Schelling}, Tuple{DataType}, typeof(agent_step!), typeof(dummystep), DataType, Dict{Symbol, Int64}, Random.TaskLocalRNG} to an object of type Vector{Int64}

Hi! Which version of the package are you using?

The current version (6) has a tutorial for this (Tutorial · Agents.jl) which differs in some key areas from your code.

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I am using 6.0.17. Thank you for the tutorial page.

Perhaps try the latest (current) version of the tutorial…?

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The current tutorial is really different from this tutorial.

That says v5.3.0 at the bottom left. So it should work if you download Agents v5.3 and run it in that environment…

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You know I figured what was triggering the problem, but still did not delve into why it is happening though. The error in my previous (old version) and current code is triggered by the scheduler I used. These two schedulers causes the problem: Schedulers.Randomly and Schedulers.ByID, however, in the latter we can achieve the same behavior by using Schedulers.ByProperty(:id). :confused: