Multi-threading version, which uses random number generation is more involved, it was discussed here
In a simplified version it may look like this
function meandist3(n, rng)
d = zeros(Threads.nthreads())
Threads.@threads for i in 1:n
k = Threads.threadid()
x = (rand(rng[k]),rand(rng[k]))
y = (rand(rng[k]),rand(rng[k]))
d[k] += sqrt((x[1]-y[1])^2+(x[2]-y[2])^2)
return sum(d)/n
And benchmarks
@btime meandist(100_000_000)
# 1.690 s (4 allocations: 2.98 GiB)
rngs = Tuple(StableRNG.(2020 .+ collect(1:Threads.nthreads())))
@btime meandist3(100_000_000, $rngs)
# 1.060 s (43 allocations: 6.13 KiB)
It is important, because if you have less then 30Gb it is the only way to run
julia> @time meandist3(1_000_000_000, rngs)
13.683740 seconds (44 allocations: 6.141 KiB)
EDIT: ha, interestingly enough, MersenneTwister
suddenly is the best here
julia> rngs = Tuple(Random.MersenneTwister.(2020 .+ collect(1:Threads.nthreads())))
julia> @time meandist3(1_000_000_000, rngs)
8.425097 seconds (48 allocations: 6.266 KiB)