Adding new layer to GeoMakie.jl poly plot

Hi there,

I have two sets of Shapefile geometries. If I run:

f, a, p = poly(shapefile_df.polygon; axis = (; type = GeoAxis))

I will get the desired map. However, I would like to add another layer with a different color. I can plot the other layer separately as:

f2, a2, p2 = poly(data_items.polygon; axis = (; type = GeoAxis))

But how do I overlap them?

Thanks a lot!

In Makie there is to all plotting functions a function with a ! for adding it to an existing Axis which would be the first input.
So in your example you can use

poly!(a, data_items.polygon)

And you can use the same keyword arguments for changing the colors and markers and so on as in the poly function.


Thanks a lot! By any chance do you know how to hid the map grid? Im trying stuff but nothing works.

ygridvisible=false, xgridvisible=false ?