jldopen("example.jld2", "w") do file
Is file supposed to be the name of the file, or is it just supposed to be file?
Is "bigdata" meant to be the name of the vector/array/thing you are saving?
I’ve tried it two different ways, but no file is created and nothing is saved
jldopen("test", "a+") do file
f = jldopen("test.jld2", "a+")
write(f, "test", one_foodweb_result2)
What is incorrect with my code? I am using Julia 1.5 in Atom.
using JLD2
@save "example.jld2" mediumdata # create a file with some data
jldopen("example.jld2", "a+") do file
file["bigdata"] = randn(6)
file["smalldata"] = randn(4) # put your data here instead of random
# append data
mediumdata=nothing # reset
@load "example.jld2" bigdata mediumdata smalldata
@show bigdata
@show mediumdata
@show smalldata # here we are
using JLD2
function append_jld2(fname, varname, data)
jldopen(fname, "a+") do file
file[varname] = data
@save "example.jld2" mediumdata # create file
append_jld2("example.jld2", "bigdata", randn(6))
mediumdata=nothing # reset
@load "example.jld2" bigdata mediumdata
@show bigdata
@show mediumdata # here we are
Thank you. When I rerun code to add more data, I get
ArgumentError: a group or dataset named one_foodweb_result2 is already present within this group
The file is already made, but I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be able to add more data. This is happening within a function, so the data I want to add is not in the global scope. Perhaps the issue is with adding something to the same object that is saved in the file?