Sorry about the rough start. Here’s a somewhat more fleshed out double pendulum example to get you going, also with a physical moment of inertia this time:
using RigidBodyDynamics
using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays
using MeshCatMechanisms
Moment of inertia of a solid cylinder with mass m (uniformly distributed), height h and radius r,
aligned with the z-axis, about the center of mass.
function cylinder_moment_of_inertia(m::Number, h::Number, r::Number)
I_x_and_y = 1 / 12 * m * (3 * r^2 + h^2)
I_z = 1/2 * m * r^2
diagm([I_x_and_y, I_x_and_y, I_z])
function double_pendulum()
g = -9.81 # gravitational acceleration in z-direction
world = RigidBody{Float64}("world")
mechanism = Mechanism(world; gravity = [0, 0, g])
axis = [0., 1., 0.]
l_1 = 1. # link length
r_1 = 0.05 # link radius
m_1 = 1. # mass
c_1 = l_1 / 2 # center of mass
I_1 = cylinder_moment_of_inertia(m_1, l_1, r_1) # mass moment of inertia about CoM
inertia_1 = SpatialInertia(CartesianFrame3D("upper_link"), # the reference frame in which the spatial inertia will be expressed
com=[0, 0, -c_1],
upper_link = RigidBody(inertia_1)
shoulder = Joint("shoulder", Revolute(axis))
attach!(mechanism, world, upper_link, shoulder)
l_2 = 2. # link length
r_2 = 0.05 # link radius
m_2 = 2. # mass
c_2 = l_2 / 2
I_2 = cylinder_moment_of_inertia(m_2, l_2, r_2) # mass moment of inertia about CoM
inertia_2 = SpatialInertia(CartesianFrame3D("lower_link"),
com=[0, 0, -c_2],
lower_link = RigidBody(inertia_2)
elbow = Joint("elbow", Revolute(axis))
before_elbow_to_after_shoulder = Transform3D(
frame_before(elbow), frame_after(shoulder), SVector(0, 0, -l_1)) # TODO: still need an SVector here unfortunately.
attach!(mechanism, upper_link, lower_link, elbow,
joint_pose = before_elbow_to_after_shoulder)
tip_frame = CartesianFrame3D("tip")
tip_to_after_elbow = Transform3D(
tip_frame, frame_after(elbow), SVector(0, 0, -l_2)) # TODO: still need an SVector here unfortunately.
add_body_fixed_frame!(mechanism, tip_to_after_elbow)
return mechanism, tip_frame
mechanism, tip_frame = double_pendulum()
state = MechanismState(mechanism)
shoulder, elbow = joints(mechanism)
set_configuration!(state, shoulder, 0.3)
set_configuration!(state, elbow, 0.4)
set_velocity!(state, shoulder, 1.)
set_velocity!(state, elbow, 2.)
vis = MechanismVisualizer(state, Skeleton(inertias=true))
setelement!(vis, frame_after(elbow))
setelement!(vis, tip_frame)
world, upper_link, lower_link = bodies(mechanism)
body = lower_link
# alternatives:
# body = findbody(mechanism, "lower_link")
# body = successor(elbow, mechanism)
point = Point3D(tip_frame, 0., 0., 0.) # control point
force = FreeVector3D(root_frame(mechanism), [1.0, 0, 0])
wrench = Wrench(transform_to_root(state, tip_frame) * point, force)
external_wrenches = Dict(BodyID(body) => wrench)
K, B = -0.002, -0.002
τsd = K * configuration(state) + B * velocity(state) # spring-damper
result = DynamicsResult(mechanism)
dynamics!(result, state, τsd, external_wrenches)
@show result.v̇
@show result.v̇[shoulder]
@show result.v̇[elbow]