Hey there, I’ve been using Julia for a while but am new to the forum.
I’ve been thinking about how to write more flexible code, and I haven’t been able to figure this one out (or prove it’s impossible), so I thought I’d ask the experts.
Let’s say I have a module that’s already been written by someone else and has code like this:
module NumPackage
export compute, do_thing
function compute(x)
println("do some stuff")
do_thing(x::Int64) = x+1
end # module
Obviously I wrote this illustrative example code, but I’d prefer to not have to touch it, so I could handle similar code written by third parties.
Say I want to add a new type in a new module like this:
module NumType
export DoubleTrouble, do_thing
struct DoubleTrouble
function do_thing(dt::DoubleTrouble)
return DoubleTrouble(dt.x+1,dt.y+1)
end # module
When I write code to use these together, I get an error:
julia> using NumPackage
julia> using NumType
julia> compute(5)
do some stuff
julia> compute(DoubleTrouble(5,9))
do some stuff
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching do_thing(::DoubleTrouble)
Closest candidates are:
do_thing(::Int64) at ~/dev/julia/NumPackage/src/NumPackage.jl:10
[1] compute(x::DoubleTrouble)
@ NumPackage ~/dev/julia/NumPackage/src/NumPackage.jl:7
[2] top-level scope
@ none:1
So, I have 2 questions:
- Is there anything I could do in NumType and/or Main to get compute(x) to find and use do_thing(dt::DoubleTrouble)?
- Especially if there’s not a good solution to 1, is the code in NumPackage less than ideal? If so, how could it be improved to make extension easier?
Also, I did find an earlier topic that was somewhat similar, but it required modifications to their equivalent of NumPackage and all the modules involved were submodules.