Add title to Makie plot and maintain previous scene settings

I have:

  using Makie

  scene = Scene(resolution = (1200, 1400))
  lines!(scene, randn(10))
  # display(scene)
  display(title(scene, "Title"))

which changes the resolution compared to using just display(scene). What is the way to preserve previous scene settings?

axis = scene[Axis]
axis.names.title = "My Title"
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Thank you. It works for plots with axes. Is there a more general form, which would work in this case too?

using AbstractPlotting, GLMakie, Random

image = rand(1:4, 64, 48)
scene = Scene(resolution = (1200, 1000))
image!(scene, image, scale_plot = false, show_axis = false, interpolate = false, colormap=[:white, :blue, :green, :red])
axis = scene[Axis]
axis.names.title = "My Title"
ERROR: LoadError: type Nothing has no field names

It seems that MakieLayout.jl could help for what you need:

using MakieLayout, AbstractPlotting
using Random

outer_padding = 30
scene, layout = layoutscene(outer_padding, resolution = (1200, 1000));
ax1 = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene, title = "My Title")

image = rand(1:4, 64, 48);
image!(ax1, image, scale_plot = false, show_axis = false, interpolate = false, colormap=[:white, :blue, :green, :red])

PS: As a word of caution, I am a Julia beginner and it seems hard to keep track of all the packages needed to do something. In case of Makie there are several in the GLMakie, MakieLayout, AbstractPlotting, etc…

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NOTE: according to MakieLayout.jl’s github page, it has been absorbed by AbstractPlotting, which sounds good.

Thank you. MakieLayout is indeed a more flexible way of doing it. I don’t like that it ignores show_axis parameter in:

image!(ax1, image, scale_plot = false, show_axis = false, interpolate = false, colormap=[:white, :blue, :green, :red])