I am trying to learn Julia and move some of my geostats projects to this language. I found that the GeoStats package is well regarded, hence I am using it. I have a grid and I want to separate the east from the west side of it. However, I am struggling to find how to retrieve x coordinates and append these values in the geotable. It follows a reproducible example:
geosplit(object, fraction, [normal])
Split geospatial object into two parts where the first part has a fraction of
the elements. Optionally, the split is performed perpendicular to a normal
Thank you very much, @juliohm , this indeed solved part of my problem!
Now, I just wanted to create a column (flag) in the main GeoTable indicating which cells belong to each section. What I am trying is:
using CSV, DataFrames, GeoStats, CairoMakie
data = CSV.read("a.csv", DataFrame; header = false)
data.cell = 1:size(data,1)
grid = CartesianGrid(30, 30)
data = georef(data, grid)
data.Country = data.cell.∈ Ref(geosplit(data,0.5,(1,0))[1].cell) # ERROR: type GeoTable has no field Country
It feels like an instance of the XY problem. Could you please describe what are trying to achieve as your final objective? Did you read the GDSJL book?
My final objective is to replicate Redding and Rossi-Hansberg (2017) in julia, while the original code is in Matlab. I know that @SebKrantz has already dabbled into this endeavor, but I want to take my own shot at it.
In this paper, the authors generate a 30 by 30 grid representing two bordering countries that trade with each other while facing export tarifs. I am trying to generate the such grid, indicating to which country a cell belongs, in order to reproduce their findinds.
That said, differently from them, I would like to reproduce the model while using georeferenced data, which is the kind of data I would actually use in a real research scenario.
I tried to do it, but it returns the following error: ArgumentError: column name “x” not found in the data frame; existing most similar names are: “Aᵢ”
What I did was to create an auxiliary table to store the values (as in the GDSJL book). I made all the operations regarding values using this auxiliary table and then just plugged the geometries back. Somewhat convoluted, but it worked!
I believe we encountered a bug in which the expression coords(:geometry).x is not correctly understood by the @transform macro. Will take a look, thanks for reporting.
Please let us know if something else is not working as expected, or if you need additional help.
@phchavesmaia we identified the root of the problem: the expression obj.field is converted to obj.:field by Julia and the resulting symbol :field is incorrectly interpreted as a column in the @transform macro.
We will treat this as a special case like other packages do (e.g., DataFramesMeta.jl). You can watch the corresponding issue to get notifications when it is fixed: