AC Optimal Power Flow in Various Nonlinear Optimization Frameworks

Congrat’s @sshin23 that’s impressive new option!

I agree with the idea of renaming NPLModels as ADNLPModels, especially since ExaModels is also implementing the NLPModel API.


I suggest to also specify which backend of BLAS / LAPACK is used for the benchmarks.

Is it OpenBLAS32_jll.jl?

Ipopt_jll.jl and HSL_jll.jl (from libHSL) are compiled with LBT and it could highly impact the performances is you use MKL.jl or AppleAccelerate.jl for example.

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I checked the Manifest.toml of rosetta-opf and an old version of Ipopt (artifact Ipopt_jll.jl) is used:

The lastest version is 300.1400.1400.
The version 300.1400.400 is the last version supported by Julia 1.6 and it was compiled 2021.

@tmigot, I have updated NPLModels to ADNLPModels. This will be reflected in the next update to the table.

@amontoison, I forget exactly which dependency combination is holding the Ipopt_jll version down. @odow had looked into it once and may remember more details. For the linear solver, Ipopt_jll is pulling an HSL DLL that is installed separately from Julia, as per these instructions. I am interested to update to the latest best practices for using HSL in Julia, but probably need some help in getting it setup.

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Ah. It’s because of OptimizationMOI. Let me take a look. They shouldn’t need that compat

See [OptimizationMOI] fix compat bounds in Project.toml by odow · Pull Request #705 · SciML/Optimization.jl · GitHub

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@ccoffrin, you can change the BLAS backend in addition to HSL.

See GitHub - jump-dev/Ipopt.jl: Julia interface to the Ipopt nonlinear solver

This requires the updated Ipopt_jll, but it should “just” be a matter of adding using MKL before using Ipopt.

For the HSL linear solvers, you just need to download and install HSL_jll.jl now (require an academic licence).
Please take the version precompiled with LBT.
With a using HSL_jll, you can direclty use the HSL linear solvers in Ipopt:

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Actually, we probably can’t update anyway, because of:

That only impacts the variants Project.toml, not the main one right?

Now fixed in AmplNLWriter v1.2.1 and OptimizationMOI v0.4.0. I’ll make a PR

Thanks to recent contributions from @amontoison, there is a new version of the NLPModels models implementation which is much more scalable. It solves networks up to 30k buses in a 2 hour time limit. Thanks @amontoison!

While doing the regression test on NLPModels I updated to the latest versions of all packages. Looks like there are small performance improvements across the board.

Case Vars Cons ExaModels JuMP ADNLPModels NonConvex Optimization
case3_lmbd 24 28 1.13e-02 1.54e-02 1.50e-02 7.72e+00 3.10e+00
case5_pjm 44 53 5.27e-02 6.70e-02 6.63e-02 1.70e+01 4.22e+00
case14_ieee 118 169 4.02e-02 5.99e-02 6.93e-02 7.59e+01 8.87e+00
case24_ieee_rts 266 315 6.60e-02 1.23e-01 2.53e-01 2.41e+02 1.79e+01
case30_ieee 236 348 4.65e-02 7.52e-02 1.42e-01 2.48e+02 2.00e+01
case30_as 236 348 5.95e-02 8.50e-02 1.26e-01 2.47e+02 1.88e+01
case39_epri 282 401 4.27e-02 1.10e-01 2.88e-01 3.28e+02 2.09e+01
case57_ieee 448 675 6.06e-02 1.01e-01 2.13e-01 5.38e+02 4.25e+01
case60_c 518 737 5.30e-02 1.26e-01 3.65e-01 5.37e+02 4.45e+01
case73_ieee_rts 824 987 1.00e-01 2.38e-01 5.48e-01 1.27e+03 8.53e+01
case89_pegase 1042 1649 1.19e-01 3.34e-01 1.94e+00 3.89e+03 2.28e+02
case118_ieee 1088 1539 1.18e-01 2.98e-01 1.35e+00 3.06e+03 1.63e+02
case162_ieee_dtc 1484 2313 1.55e-01 3.51e-01 1.78e+00 N.D. 3.69e+02
case179_goc 1468 2200 1.80e-01 4.53e-01 2.48e+00 5.53e+03 2.88e+02
case197_snem 1608 2397 1.30e-01 3.24e-01 1.75e+00 N.D. 4.01e+02
case200_activ 1456 2116 1.02e-01 2.75e-01 1.52e+00 6.51e+03 3.05e+02
case240_pserc 2558 3617 8.52e-01 2.42e+00 1.33e+01 N.D. 9.38e+02
case300_ieee 2382 3478 2.19e-01 5.70e-01 3.46e+00 N.D. 7.65e+02
case500_goc 4254 6097 4.14e-01 1.10e+00 7.85e+00 N.D. 3.29e+03
case588_sdet 4110 5979 3.45e-01 8.93e-01 6.87e+00 N.D. 2.27e+03
case793_goc 5432 7978 4.68e-01 1.25e+00 1.20e+01 N.D. 4.68e+03
case1354_pegase 11192 16646 1.21e+00 3.94e+00 5.45e+01 N.D. N.D.
case1803_snem 15246 23172 2.15e+00 7.19e+00 8.72e+01 N.D. N.D.
case1888_rte 14480 21494 4.41e+00 1.75e+01 2.12e+02 N.D. N.D.
case1951_rte 15018 22075 2.43e+00 8.52e+00 1.11e+02 N.D. N.D.
case2000_goc 19008 29432 1.94e+00 7.22e+00 8.20e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2312_goc 17128 25716 1.85e+00 6.42e+00 8.53e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2383wp_k 17004 25039 2.18e+00 7.37e+00 7.24e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2736sp_k 19088 28356 1.88e+00 6.66e+00 6.95e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2737sop_k 18988 28358 1.64e+00 6.27e+00 6.33e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2742_goc 24540 38196 7.11e+00 2.51e+01 2.51e+02 N.D. N.D.
case2746wp_k 19520 28446 1.84e+00 6.40e+00 7.88e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2746wop_k 19582 28642 1.68e+00 5.92e+00 7.02e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2848_rte 21822 32129 3.72e+00 1.35e+01 1.66e+02 N.D. N.D.
case2853_sdet 23028 33154 2.62e+00 9.34e+00 2.18e+02 N.D. N.D.
case2868_rte 22090 32393 3.88e+00 1.44e+01 1.92e+02 N.D. N.D.
case2869_pegase 25086 37813 3.34e+00 1.15e+01 1.68e+02 N.D. N.D.
case3012wp_k 21082 31029 2.83e+00 9.54e+00 1.02e+02 N.D. N.D.
case3022_goc 23238 34990 2.90e+00 1.01e+01 1.87e+02 N.D. N.D.
case3120sp_k 21608 32092 2.62e+00 1.03e+01 9.73e+01 N.D. N.D.
case3375wp_k 24350 35876 3.25e+00 1.44e+01 1.49e+02 N.D. N.D.
case3970_goc 35270 54428 6.42e+00 1.60e+01 3.60e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4020_goc 36696 56957 8.95e+00 2.02e+01 2.74e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4601_goc 38814 59596 7.86e+00 2.26e+01 3.90e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4619_goc 42532 66289 7.97e+00 2.08e+01 2.93e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4661_sdet 34758 51302 5.71e+00 1.62e+01 2.40e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4837_goc 41398 64030 6.51e+00 2.10e+01 3.13e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4917_goc 37872 56917 5.58e+00 1.81e+01 4.15e+02 N.D. N.D.
case5658_epigrids 48552 74821 7.65e+00 2.26e+01 4.03e+02 N.D. N.D.
case6468_rte 49734 75937 1.64e+01 6.50e+01 7.83e+02 N.D. N.D.
case6470_rte 50482 75976 1.05e+01 3.42e+01 5.71e+02 N.D. N.D.
case6495_rte 50426 76124 1.82e+01 5.59e+01 9.21e+02 N.D. N.D.
case6515_rte 50546 76290 1.52e+01 4.85e+01 7.53e+02 N.D. N.D.
case7336_epigrids 62116 95306 9.94e+00 2.72e+01 5.24e+02 N.D. N.D.
case8387_pegase 78748 118702 1.69e+01 4.57e+01 1.72e+03 N.D. N.D.
case9241_pegase 85568 130826 1.70e+01 4.92e+01 1.96e+03 N.D. N.D.
case9591_goc 83572 130588 2.66e+01 5.82e+01 9.83e+02 N.D. N.D.
case10000_goc 76804 112352 1.63e+01 4.87e+01 9.10e+02 N.D. N.D.
case10192_epigrids 89850 139456 2.07e+01 5.64e+01 1.26e+03 N.D. N.D.
case10480_goc 96750 150874 2.91e+01 6.26e+01 1.26e+03 N.D. N.D.
case13659_pegase 117370 170588 2.18e+01 5.88e+01 2.86e+03 N.D. N.D.
case19402_goc 179562 281733 7.19e+01 1.39e+02 4.04e+03 N.D. N.D.
case20758_epigrids 179236 274918 3.78e+01 8.88e+01 4.39e+03 N.D. N.D.
case24464_goc 203374 313641 5.02e+01 1.21e+02 5.23e+03 N.D. N.D.
case30000_goc 208624 307752 9.67e+01 2.31e+02 7.01e+03 N.D. N.D.
case78484_epigrids 674562 1039062 3.54e+02 7.25e+02 N.D. N.D. N.D.

Julia v1.10.0

[54578032] ADNLPModels v0.8.2
[2569d6c7] ConcreteStructs v0.2.3
[1037b233] ExaModels v0.7.1
[f6369f11] ForwardDiff v0.10.36
[b6b21f68] Ipopt v1.6.3
[4076af6c] JuMP v1.22.2
[961ee093] ModelingToolkit v9.19.0
[f4238b75] NLPModelsIpopt v0.10.2
[01bcebdf] Nonconvex v2.1.3
[bf347577] NonconvexIpopt v0.4.3
[429524aa] Optim v1.9.4
[7f7a1694] Optimization v3.26.1
[fd9f6733] OptimizationMOI v0.4.2
[c36e90e8] PowerModels v0.21.1

Ipopt was configured to run with the linear solver HSL ma27.


@ccoffrin how much more scalable is it? The improvements here are due to code written by @hill and me which ADNLPModels.jl now relies on, and we’re currently writing a paper about our creations, so I’m very curious!
See SparseConnectivityTracer.jl and SparseMatrixColorings.jl for details.

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Last run was AC Optimal Power Flow in Various Nonlinear Optimization Frameworks - #81 by ccoffrin

So roughly order of magnitude?

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That’s amazing!
With the upcoming improvements to SparseConnectivityTracer.jl, I wouldn’t be surprised if we could gain some more.

More updates from @amontoison on ADNLPModels reduced the solve time of this framework by ~2x.

Also updated to the latest compatible version of all packages but I dont see any notable changes.

Case Vars Cons ExaModels JuMP ADNLPModels NonConvex Optimization
case3_lmbd 24 28 9.72e-03 1.28e-02 1.38e-02 7.84e+00 2.93e+00
case5_pjm 44 53 5.26e-02 8.12e-02 6.12e-02 1.73e+01 4.01e+00
case14_ieee 118 169 4.05e-02 7.94e-02 6.62e-02 7.89e+01 8.18e+00
case24_ieee_rts 266 315 6.51e-02 1.35e-01 1.30e-01 2.35e+02 1.80e+01
case30_ieee 236 348 4.76e-02 8.60e-02 1.26e-01 2.45e+02 1.80e+01
case30_as 236 348 5.87e-02 1.01e-01 1.06e-01 2.34e+02 1.81e+01
case39_epri 282 401 4.20e-02 1.24e-01 2.49e-01 3.12e+02 2.24e+01
case57_ieee 448 675 6.07e-02 1.16e-01 1.80e-01 5.41e+02 4.51e+01
case60_c 518 737 5.33e-02 1.42e-01 2.53e-01 4.99e+02 4.37e+01
case73_ieee_rts 824 987 9.75e-02 2.09e-01 3.67e-01 1.25e+03 8.89e+01
case89_pegase 1042 1649 1.19e-01 3.28e-01 1.20e+00 3.78e+03 2.15e+02
case118_ieee 1088 1539 1.11e-01 2.92e-01 6.63e-01 3.03e+03 1.68e+02
case162_ieee_dtc 1484 2313 1.53e-01 3.43e-01 1.13e+00 N.D. 3.77e+02
case179_goc 1468 2200 1.76e-01 4.43e-01 1.36e+00 5.54e+03 2.89e+02
case197_snem 1608 2397 1.27e-01 3.35e-01 7.68e-01 N.D. 4.07e+02
case200_activ 1456 2116 9.57e-02 2.71e-01 6.68e-01 6.27e+03 3.01e+02
case240_pserc 2558 3617 8.58e-01 2.43e+00 7.73e+00 N.D. 9.03e+02
case300_ieee 2382 3478 2.13e-01 6.42e-01 1.81e+00 N.D. 7.61e+02
case500_goc 4254 6097 4.09e-01 1.37e+00 4.38e+00 N.D. 3.14e+03
case588_sdet 4110 5979 3.70e-01 1.11e+00 3.07e+00 N.D. 2.72e+03
case793_goc 5432 7978 4.54e-01 1.50e+00 5.46e+00 N.D. 5.03e+03
case1354_pegase 11192 16646 1.19e+00 4.05e+00 2.10e+01 N.D. N.D.
case1803_snem 15246 23172 2.06e+00 7.67e+00 4.07e+01 N.D. N.D.
case1888_rte 14480 21494 4.41e+00 1.72e+01 1.05e+02 N.D. N.D.
case1951_rte 15018 22075 2.54e+00 8.70e+00 5.34e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2000_goc 19008 29432 1.89e+00 6.81e+00 3.99e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2312_goc 17128 25716 1.81e+00 6.27e+00 3.57e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2383wp_k 17004 25039 2.18e+00 6.94e+00 3.80e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2736sp_k 19088 28356 1.87e+00 5.78e+00 3.37e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2737sop_k 18988 28358 1.62e+00 5.29e+00 3.20e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2742_goc 24540 38196 7.15e+00 2.40e+01 1.24e+02 N.D. N.D.
case2746wp_k 19520 28446 1.85e+00 6.11e+00 3.57e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2746wop_k 19582 28642 1.72e+00 5.50e+00 3.37e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2848_rte 21822 32129 3.64e+00 1.29e+01 9.37e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2853_sdet 23028 33154 2.66e+00 9.01e+00 9.67e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2868_rte 22090 32393 4.01e+00 1.44e+01 8.67e+01 N.D. N.D.
case2869_pegase 25086 37813 3.31e+00 1.15e+01 1.05e+02 N.D. N.D.
case3012wp_k 21082 31029 2.76e+00 9.08e+00 4.77e+01 N.D. N.D.
case3022_goc 23238 34990 2.95e+00 1.04e+01 7.13e+01 N.D. N.D.
case3120sp_k 21608 32092 2.66e+00 8.89e+00 4.82e+01 N.D. N.D.
case3375wp_k 24350 35876 3.20e+00 1.09e+01 7.37e+01 N.D. N.D.
case3970_goc 35270 54428 6.44e+00 1.63e+01 1.38e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4020_goc 36696 56957 8.93e+00 2.20e+01 1.40e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4601_goc 38814 59596 7.92e+00 2.26e+01 1.72e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4619_goc 42532 66289 7.88e+00 1.95e+01 1.31e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4661_sdet 34758 51302 5.99e+00 1.62e+01 1.11e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4837_goc 41398 64030 6.70e+00 2.13e+01 1.41e+02 N.D. N.D.
case4917_goc 37872 56917 5.71e+00 1.96e+01 1.34e+02 N.D. N.D.
case5658_epigrids 48552 74821 7.64e+00 2.26e+01 1.96e+02 N.D. N.D.
case6468_rte 49734 75937 1.60e+01 5.73e+01 3.77e+02 N.D. N.D.
case6470_rte 50482 75976 1.05e+01 3.31e+01 2.58e+02 N.D. N.D.
case6495_rte 50426 76124 1.89e+01 6.02e+01 4.25e+02 N.D. N.D.
case6515_rte 50546 76290 1.51e+01 4.76e+01 3.43e+02 N.D. N.D.
case7336_epigrids 62116 95306 9.71e+00 2.62e+01 2.57e+02 N.D. N.D.
case8387_pegase 78748 118702 1.60e+01 4.54e+01 1.03e+03 N.D. N.D.
case9241_pegase 85568 130826 1.77e+01 4.90e+01 1.09e+03 N.D. N.D.
case9591_goc 83572 130588 2.67e+01 5.87e+01 4.67e+02 N.D. N.D.
case10000_goc 76804 112352 1.67e+01 4.51e+01 4.49e+02 N.D. N.D.
case10192_epigrids 89850 139456 2.10e+01 5.39e+01 5.96e+02 N.D. N.D.
case10480_goc 96750 150874 2.77e+01 6.91e+01 5.91e+02 N.D. N.D.
case13659_pegase 117370 170588 2.17e+01 5.91e+01 1.43e+03 N.D. N.D.
case19402_goc 179562 281733 7.15e+01 1.40e+02 1.73e+03 N.D. N.D.
case20758_epigrids 179236 274918 3.55e+01 8.97e+01 1.61e+03 N.D. N.D.
case24464_goc 203374 313641 5.02e+01 1.18e+02 2.50e+03 N.D. N.D.
case30000_goc 208624 307752 9.68e+01 2.26e+02 3.72e+03 N.D. N.D.
case78484_epigrids 674562 1039062 3.60e+02 7.64e+02 N.D. N.D. N.D.

Julia v1.10.0

[54578032] ADNLPModels v0.8.7
[2569d6c7] ConcreteStructs v0.2.3
[1037b233] ExaModels v0.7.1
[f6369f11] ForwardDiff v0.10.36
[b6b21f68] Ipopt v1.6.6
[4076af6c] JuMP v1.23.1
[961ee093] ModelingToolkit v9.32.0
[f4238b75] NLPModelsIpopt v0.10.2
[01bcebdf] Nonconvex v2.1.3
[bf347577] NonconvexIpopt v0.4.3
[429524aa] Optim v1.9.4
[7f7a1694] Optimization v3.28.0
[fd9f6733] OptimizationMOI v0.4.3
[c36e90e8] PowerModels v0.21.2

Ipopt was configured to run with the linear solver HSL ma27.


Thanks for the last update @ccoffrin!
I’m a little bit disappointed that we couldn’t solve the last problem in less than 2 hours.
That will be the goal for next time :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m now convinced that the current bottleneck is ReverseDiff.jl.
It doesn’t seem to scale well at all.
I want to replace it with Enzyme.jl for the next iteration.
It seems quite stable and should theoretically offer another order of magnitude in terms of performance. :crossed_fingers:

Let’s see the results in the future benchmarks.


@ccoffrin could you share where the instances come from? @hill and I are trying to run some benchmarks of our own on rosetta-opf, but the data folder only has 5 small instances. The repo’s README mentions MATPOWER as a source of instances but I fail to see where these instances could be. Any help will be appreciated.

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In addition odow’s answer: instances from PGLib can be read into PowerModels dictionaries with the PGLib package.

How would you describe the importance of ACOPF to a machine learning audience? Besides the fact that it is nonlinear and sparse, which are the two ingredients we need for our paper ^^