Hi. I am new to Julia and have enjoyed it so far.
What a beautiful language. I have not made anything special or serious with it yet, but was playing with it and was getting used to it. I have used C and C-like languages, (Object) Pascal, R and functional and logical ones before, but Julia is the one that is really interesting to me, because I see that in time it could replace both static languages, dynamic languages and certain others (but probably not logic programming languages, though I would like to see this). If there would be one programming language such as Julia to be a kind of swift dynamic language with batteries, very suitable for the different areas it is now already aimed at, and with the possibility of static compilation to efficient stand-alone binaries, then this is the language that would be really be great which I would want to use as a general language as well as one for certain specific purposes (e.g., statistics). I would like to even see possibilities to use it for game development, though I suppose you could simply call an existing C library (but I wonder how much of a hassle, if any, it would be with possible gotchas)? I think it could at some point, or maybe already, be used for those learning computer science or a first programming language.
Something else now: I noticed that symbols much more in tune with standard logic and mathematics symbols may be used. This is great. I was wondering if Julia would be enhanced in this area. What about including symbols such as:
¬ for negation (equivalent to !);
× for multiplication (equivalent to *);
{ and } for sets;
∧ for conjunction (equivalent to &&);
∨ for inclusive disjunction (equivalent to ||)
so that Julia’s expressiveness and beauty are enhanced? There are after all already symbols such as ≠ for !=, ∈ for element of (or in), and other nice ones. It would sure make Julia nicer.
I was also wondering about the possibility of Julia as a logic programming language, that it might even have a kind of logic programming mode or that it is somehow combined with other paradigms. I never liked Prolog, because its syntax is so ugly. It’s called a logic programming language, and it is, and it may be used for serious business, but at the moment of my writing it doesn’t adhere to standard more traditional logical notation (∧, ∨, ¬, ⊃, etc., including all generally accepted ways in the respective disciplines). Looking at Prolog syntax almost disgusts me. Would Julia at some point in time, after other probably more pressing business has been taken care of, be enhanced in this area? I was suddenly thinking about something with already existing abstract types and hierarchies, but meh… In the meantime let me dream of using Julia as a logical language and querying capabilities with great notational expressiveness. Yes, it could have quantor symbols such as
Wouldn’t that be great? It would require great work. But let me dream about it, will you?
All in all, I am excited about Julia and its future. It looks very bright. Please continue all your good work.