About JuMP.is_solved_and_feasible

We’re open to suggestions for improving the solution summary. How about:

Solution summary
├ solver_name : Gurobi
├ Overall status
│ ├ termination_status : OPTIMAL
│ ├ result_count       : 3
│ ├ objective_bound    : -3.00000e+00
│ ├ relative_gap       : 0.00000e+00
│ └ raw_status
│   └ "Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), and an optimal solution is available."
├ Candidate solution (; result = 1)
│ ├ primal_status        : FEASIBLE_POINT
│ ├ dual_status          : NO_SOLUTION
│ ├ objective_value      : -3.00000e+00
│ └ dual_objective_value : -3.00000e+00
└ Work counters
  ├ solve_time (sec)   : 3.03030e-04
  ├ simplex_iterations : 0
  ├ barrier_iterations : 0
  └ node_count         : 0

I would suggest that add a dynamic (3-possibilities) lb and ub hint.
(part of summary are something like):
For a Min-Program:

├ ObjSense: MIN_SENSE

├ termination_status: TIME_LIMIT

├ objective_bound (lb): -3.0

├ Candidate solution (; result = 1)

│ ├ objective_value (ub): -2.0

For a Max-Program

├ ObjSense: MAX_SENSE

├ termination_status: TIME_LIMIT

├ objective_bound (ub): -2.0

├ Candidate solution (; result = 1)

│ ├ objective_value (lb): -3.0

For a Feasibility-Problem

ObjSense: FEASIBILITY_SENSE (Did you forget to specify?)

termination_status: TIME_LIMIT

Candidate solution (; result = 1)