A sparse matrix cannot be indexed by a SVector

As indicated by the topic, I intend to replace some small matrices with the StaticArrays but the global sparse matrix created by SparseArrays.jl cannot be indexed by a SVector. A simple example is given as follows.

using SparseArrays
using StaticArrays

A = spzeros(10, 10)
ind1 = SVector(1, 2, 3, 4)
a = @SArray rand(4, 4)

A[ind1, ind1] += a

@show A

The error is given in REPL as

julia> A[ind1,ind1] += a
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching length(::StaticArrays.StaticIndexing{SVector{4, Int64}})

Closest candidates are:
  length(::Union{Base.KeySet, Base.ValueIterator})
   @ Base abstractdict.jl:58
  length(::Union{SparseArrays.FixedSparseVector{Tv, Ti}, SparseVector{Tv, Ti}} where {Tv, Ti})
   @ SparseArrays C:\lijinze\julia\share\julia\stdlib\v1.9\SparseArrays\src\sparsevector.jl:95
  length(::Union{ZMQ._Message, Base.RefValue{ZMQ._Message}})
   @ ZMQ C:\lijinze\julia\packages\packages\ZMQ\lrABE\src\_message.jl:31

 [1] setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}, V::SMatrix{4, 4, Float64, 16}, Ix::SVector{4, Int64}, Jx::SVector{4, Int64})
   @ SparseArrays C:\users\julia\share\julia\stdlib\v1.9\SparseArrays\src\sparsematrix.jl:3170
 [2] top-level scope
   @ REPL[24]:1

Thanks in advance for tackling this problem.

The sparse matrix A doesn’t hold any values, except for the default value zero (of default type Float64) which isn’t explicitly stored. Accessing any range of indices gives some dots:

julia> A[ind1, ind1]
4Γ—4 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 0 stored entries:
  β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
  β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
  β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
  β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…

Accessing via a single index returns the default value 0.0:

julia> A[1]

You operation can be written as (see the dot before the +):

julia> A[ind1,ind1] .+= a
4Γ—4 view(::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}, [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]) with eltype Float64 with indices SOneTo(4)Γ—SOneTo(4):
 0.396905  0.518507  0.0333795  0.428079
 0.105497  0.358759  0.0329777  0.748697
 0.495962  0.948462  0.214173   0.55445
 0.517173  0.866702  0.91867    0.352342

julia> A
10Γ—10 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 16 stored entries:
 0.396905  0.518507  0.0333795  0.428079   β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
 0.105497  0.358759  0.0329777  0.748697   β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
 0.495962  0.948462  0.214173   0.55445    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
 0.517173  0.866702  0.91867    0.352342   β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
  β‹…         β‹…         β‹…          β‹…         β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
  β‹…         β‹…         β‹…          β‹…         β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
  β‹…         β‹…         β‹…          β‹…         β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
  β‹…         β‹…         β‹…          β‹…         β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
  β‹…         β‹…         β‹…          β‹…         β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…
  β‹…         β‹…         β‹…          β‹…         β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…    β‹…

This is a bit of a lack in the documentation of Sparse Arrays Β· The Julia Language I would say, where it says:

Arithmetic operations on sparse matrices also work as they do on dense matrices.

The error message points to a forgotten implementation of method length(::StaticArrays.StaticIndexing{SVector{4, Int64}}) somewhere, but I don’t have the nerves to look this up for now, and it wouldn’t help you much for your issue.

Thank you very much! It succeeds in addressing my problem.

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This is basically an incorrect return value from to_indices in StaticArrays.jl:

It’s overriding internals Base._getindex but that doesn’t actually work.

StaticIndexing needs to be <: AbstractArray and it needs to define iterate and size (shockingly not getindex but that’s another story…).

Please make an issue for this in StaticArrays.jl


From the to_indices docs:

β€œThe returned tuple must only contain either Ints or AbstractArrays of scalar indices that are supported by array A”

StaticArrays.jl is just breaking the interface here.

Issue made here: