In some simple arithmetic subtracting types with Dates.CompoundPeriod
, a bug arises when you try to subtract a Dates.CompoundPeriod
that is equal to 0
. However, it does not seem to be a problem with the Dates
code but rather an inference bug that occurs when broadcasting a Base.- over an empty vector of type Dates.Period.
julia> using Dates
julia> -Int[]
julia> -Dates.Period[]
julia> t1 = Dates.Day(0)+Dates.Hour(0)
empty period
julia> t1.periods
julia> -t1
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching Dates.CompoundPeriod(::Vector{Any})
Closest candidates are:
Dates.CompoundPeriod(::Vector{Period}) at /Applications/
Dates.CompoundPeriod(::Vector{<:Period}) at /Applications/
Dates.CompoundPeriod(::Time) at /Applications/
[1] -(x::Dates.CompoundPeriod)
@ Dates /Applications/
[2] top-level scope
@ REPL[172]:1