A question about drawing

p1 = range(0, 360; length = 100)' # parameter 1
p2 = range(0, 360; length = 70)   # parameter 2
w1 = @. sind(3*(p1 + 2 * p2)) + 1.25 # wave 1
w2 = @. 6 + w1 * cosd(p1)            # wave 2
x = vec(@. w2 * cosd(p2))
y = vec(@. w2 * sind(p2))
z = vec(@. w1 * sind(p1))
logo_colors = [(77,100,174), (57,151,79), (255,255,255), (146,89,163), (202,60,50)]

@pgf Axis(
        axis_lines = "none"
            z_buffer = "sort",
            colormap = "{Julia}{$(join(map(c -> "rgb255=$c", logo_colors), ", "))}",
            "mesh/rows" = length(p1)
        Table(x, y, z)))

When I run this code, no images are shown in my Plots. Why is that?

Thank you very much

Know nothing about that plotting package but FWIW, in Win10 Julia 1.7.1, your code (using PGFPlotsX) and after installing MikTeX, opens the default Windows PDF viewer with the following parametric surface:

Sorry, I don’t quite understand what you mean. Do I need to install other Pkg?

I installed TeX Live in my personal computer (Win 10) and added the PGFPlotsX.jl package to Julia. As a result, I got the plots, at least on Jupyter, as follows.