for i=1:3
what is the matter about the code?thank you!
As it is written in error, your array A
is empty, you can easily check it with
length(A) # 0
As such you can’t assign value to an element which is outside of the bounds of the array.
You can do one of the following:
A = Vector{Any}(undef, 3)
for i=1:3
2.If you do not know size of the array beforehand, you can add new elements (and effectively change it size) with the function push!
A = []
for i in 1:3
push!(A, 2)
More details can be found here: Multi-dimensional Arrays · The Julia Language and here: Arrays · The Julia Language
I’d like to add that, if possible, try and make the array concretely typed. E.g.,
A = Vector{Float64}(undef, 3)
A = Vector{Int}(undef, 3)
A = Float64[]
A = Int[]
This matters for performance, not correctness, so it’s less important, but nice to keep in mind.
thank you !
it works,thank you!