A Python-like breakpoint

What’s the easiest way to implement/utilize a Python-like breakpoint? I know of Debugger.jl and the @bp macro, and it seems Julia has the potential to be far more powerful than Python’s breakpoint(), but I can’t figure out how to use it. For now, I would like the ability to write @bp anywhere in my script (top level, inside a function, not structs) and run the file as julia filename.jl or include(“filename.jl”) from a terminal (not an IDE).

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I think you are looking for Infiltrator.jl ?

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Thanks, yes, right now that seems to accomplish what I’d like! It’s interesting I have to prepend methods with Main, but otherwise I can print and plot local variables. I hope someday the utility of infiltrator finds its way into a single package for debugging. For me this is easily the best aspect of python, especially in data science.