I have code with a lot of statements like
A = zeros(Float64,10,10);
A[2,:] = 5;
which worked fine in Julia 0.6.2. It gets this error message:
MethodError: no method matching setindex_shape_check(::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
setindex_shape_check(!Matched::AbstractArray{#s57,1} where #s57, ::Integer, ::Integer) at indices.jl:221
setindex_shape_check(!Matched::AbstractArray{#s57,2} where #s57, ::Integer, ::Integer) at indices.jl:225
setindex_shape_check(!Matched::AbstractArray, ::Integer…) at indices.jl:179
in Julia 1.0.1.
Is there still a way to do this in Julia 1.x? Thanks!