3d Plots - change axis intersection // inverse axis

How does one open a feature request? Without the ability to change where axes intersect, Julia decides that I don’t need to see the axes:

and after adding camera=(-45, atand(1 / √2)):

Edit: Came up with a hack

function rotate_negative_45_degrees!(surface_plot)
    # The GR backend cannot properly display the axes if you decide to rotate
    # the camera -45 degrees. This wouldn't be so bad if it had a way of
    # manually setting the spine positions a la matplotlib, but it doesn't.

    # Swap the axis labels
    temp = surface_plot[1][:xaxis][:guide]
    xlabel!(surface_plot, surface_plot[1][:yaxis][:guide])
    ylabel!(surface_plot, temp)

    # Swap the ticks
    temp = xticks(surface_plot)[1]
    xticks!(surface_plot, yticks(surface_plot)[1])
    yticks!(surface_plot, temp)

    # Transform data appropriately
    xticks!(surface_plot, (xticks(surface_plot)[1][1], reverse(xticks(surface_plot)[1][2])))
    surface_plot[1][1][:z] = Surface(reverse(surface_plot[1][1][:z].surf', dims=2))