

Programmed since 1967 in the days of assembler, forth, fortran, cobol, pl/i, algol, etc. That was over a decade before the first personal computers. My first personal computer was an IMSAI 8080 that I built from kits; before Apple, IBM PC, TRS80, and Commodore. I retired in 2002, currently surprised how julia is like the old days. :slight_smile:

I’ve been playing with Federal Reserve econometric models, most lately in R, and saw that they were recommending the new julia language for speed. Then I saw julia-1.0.0 release and decided to try it. I couldn’t get anything to run in 1.0.0 and eventually saw the recommendations to use 0.7.0. Even there the functions and package example code fails all over the place. Haven’t figured out how to submit bug reports there, or whether they are wanted. I’m currently working on surveying what works and what doesn’t. It would be nice to have ubuntu Linux installers to put things in standard places.

I’ve recently figured out Hadley Wickham’s tidyverse in R ( and was interested in doing similar modeling in julia. Very few of the packages in julia even install, but I’ll keep studying the julia code and documentation to see if and where I can help. I haven’t found any discussion that seem to be coordinating doing anything there yet.

I’ll keep working on it.