Why `eye` has been deprecated?

I’m sorry, my tone was a bit sharp. Most of the small handful of contributions I’ve made to the language and ecosystem have been docs-related, I’ve worked as an actual janitor, and I really do appreciate well-written documentation. I’m just looking forward to the ecosystem documentation/blogs/examples catching up to the language (and ready to help once 1.0 and major peripheral packages are stable).

Re: Matlab, I don’t think we need to copy the syntax, per se, but I’d like a Batteries.jl or KitchenSink.jl package that just reexports other packages to provide functionality on par with what’s built into Matlab. (FFTW, SpecialFunctions, Plots, LinearAlgebra, Images, DataFrames, Interpolations, Roots, Random, LsqFit, QuadGK, DifferentialEquations, ???)