@klacru I think you should feel comforted that there are others that want similar things, and agree that Julia should move to support these things.
The feedback on v1.0 is that it is not to introduce lots of new features but rather to complete any known and necessary breaking changes that would otherwise block improving the language, so that we can get some mileage and stability out of a v1.0, v1.1, etc series of releases.
The thing not mentioned is that trait-based dispatch, multiple inheritance, protocols, mixins, etc are new features and not necessarily breaking. Obviously we may choose to make breaking changes to Base
when/if any of these become available but we wouldn’t have to do that immediately (I think we’d want them to exist for some time before “good design” becomes obvious).
From my work on Traitor, it would seem to me that one “computable” way to think of traits is that each leaf type has an “abstract supertype” for each “trait dimension”. To get the object’s place in each type tree we use a function - the current one being typeof
(maybe I should say identity
if we are already acting from the type domain) but we could also consider eltype
, isiterable
, etc. We take an abstract type as the intersection of all the sets of types satisfying each trait constraint.
An example with modern where
syntax might be something like f(x::T where eltype(T) <: Number)
. For dispatch to work we need to be able to ask if the input type(s) satisfy a signature (easy) and if one signature is more specific than another signature (also easy if you make the assertion that every trait function is completely orthogonal to the others). Given that traits should be computable, I feel that protocols could easily be traits (but there are subtleties relating to 265 which would need to be dealt with).
However, it would nonetheless require a bunch of work to implement this. Given the interaction between type parameters, varargs, covariance, invariance, and specificity being different to subtyping, it’s already very challenging to get dispatch 100% bug free. In fact, it’s taken a whole bunch of work to even get to where we are where abstract types are sensibly defined in terms of sets of possible concrete types. Adding traits and/or multiple inheritance to the type system would be the logical next step in the journey (from my point of view) but some patience will be required.
Finally, while multiple inheritance may solve some problems, it doesn’t allow post-hoc annotations of existing types with new traits, which is extremely useful.