What is an elegant way to use Julia on a Linux server?

You can also use e.g. ProfileCanvas.jl to generate a HTML file that you can then copy to your local machine for easy inspection.


No, Iā€™m just one of the general users not admin. Thanks! I will study your suggestion carefully! :handshake: :handshake:

Thank you! :handshake: :handshake: I use Windows laptop.

Using Julia on the Raspberry PI? That sounds cool! hopefully Hope I can try it in the future. Now Iā€™m using a public server.

Thanks! I really also need a good editor to make some minor modification to the code. Iā€™ll study your kind suggestions carefully! :handshake: :handshake:

Better to simply tunnel them through SSH, which avoids listening to a port that is accessible to other users on the network.

For example assuming julia and jupyter and IJulia.jl are installed on the server, log into your server with ssh -L 8778:localhost:8998 my.server.domain, then run jupyter notebook --no-browser. On your local machine you can now connect to Jupyter at localhost:8778.


Thereā€™ s also jupyterlab/jupyterlab-desktop: JupyterLab desktop application that could be used to use as a separate app from browser (if you have plenty of RAM). And vscode remote can do the ssh tunnelling mentioned above automatically or through the UI easily.

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Regarding tunnelling, Mobaxterm has an easy to use GUI for setting up ssh tunnels.
I really do reccomend it.

If you want to use command line ssh tunnel setups you can do so by using the Mobaxterm local terminal

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I use Julia for teaching and have found Christianā€™s suggestion very workable. I donā€™t have a laptop to bring to the classroom, but connect remotely to my home-based Mac mini. To get around connectivity issues caused by various firewalls, I use ngrok (http://ngrok.com) to tunnel through to the Mac. The combination works very well for me and has a significant advantage when dealing with machine learning demos with significant compute requirements. The alternative was JuiaHub, which I found expensive and its Pluto option not especially usable.


Good solution! I find tmux a bit clunky for moving text from script to REPL, so I want to suggest another solution: the vim-slime plugin (GitHub - jpalardy/vim-slime: A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)). In my setup it allows me to open a remote Repl on a server (ssh) and send code blocks from my script into the repl with a single keystroke. Super useful